Wednesday, May 20, 2015

More from Diane on the training in Indiana a few weeks back

I wanted to share some of the wonderful aspects of our training in Greenwood, Indiana in April and May. As I shared in our last post, it was more than just a training seminar. And this year was no exception! In fact, it far exceeded the previous years. We began the week with a very nice reception on Sunday evening. It helped us to get to know each other in a fun way. With a game about sharing some things about us and then sharing it with someone else. A real ice breaker!

Then on Monday morning we started the week off with a beautiful service in the church sanctuary where our meetings were held. Great music and devotions to help us focus on the Lord and the reasons we were called to serve him. We began every morning with some form of music and devotions. Though they were not all in the church sanctuary. The reason we had the meeting in the church was because we had outgrown the rooms at OMS Headquarters! What a wonderful problem to have!

Along with the spiritual aspect of the week, there were the reports from each CMF (church multiplication facilitator). In this way we got to hear what God was doing through His called missionaries all over the world. He is doing amazing things, and we are grateful to be a small part of that! We did not have our own presentation, but were mentioned in Greg Carlson's presentation on Latin America. We were also given training to help us with actually doing our CMF jobs.

One of the best parts of the week was seeing many friends that we have made from past years. We also met many people for the first time. Also there were people who were prayerfully considering this calling.

The culmination of the week was our coaching training on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. After a long week of sitting, I was not looking forward to this. But it proved to be the best part! This training was just teaching us to be good listeners in a very purposeful and common sense way. This will serve us well in all we do. But especially in our communications with our Country Coordinators in Honduras.

In all that week was spiritually encouraging and motivating. We are equipped and ready to go out and continue to serve our Lord! But we are not doing this on our own power! We still are very dependant on His power and your prayers! Thank you for your support.
