Sunday, July 3, 2016

Beautiful Story of Dunia - Women's Prison - Pedrigal

While on our last visit to Colombia, the day we went to visit the women's APAC ( reentry program) we were thinking that we had already seen the prison recently and it would be a regular visit. We had been there on the last trip to Colombia last fall for the Latin American Summit meeting. At that time we had no idea of the changes in store - specifically that we would shortly be assigned there as Church Multiplication Facilitators! The Lord was preparing us even then for this new responsibility. 

So after all of the three stages of security check points at the prison, we entered into the the facility to meet some of the women in the program. And we did. But there was also a bonus for us. We met a young woman named Dunia, age 26, who spoke English and was to be our translator. She was originally from Canada so she spoke perfect English. The women were meeting for their Bible study and Dunia was going to translate what was going on in class. During the down time before class started she told us her story, which was quite surprising. She had been selling drugs and other things and that is how she landed in prison. She was very well spoken in English and very pleasant to talk to. We took an instant liking to her. She also knew no Spanish at all when she arrived there. So she had to learn the hard way.

In our conversation, she shared with us that she was raised Muslim and that she felt that she was spiritual but had no faith in Jesus or what He had to offer her. She had also been told in no uncertain terms by the lady who was leading Bible study that she was going to hell if she did not believe! We tried to be compassionate and soften the words, but agreed with the leader. We said we would like to pray for her and she said that would be fine. She also began to share more about herself with us. She shared that one of the things that was holding her back from believing was that she is a lesbian. She felt condemnation and judgment from the Christians there. She also told us that she does not usually attend the Bible studies. She teaches English to many of the women so they know and like her. But that day because of our need for a translator she heard the salvation message again and many other things from God's Word. The Holy Spirit was speaking to,her through these things. As the leader closed in prayer, Dunia stopped translating and was visibly moved by this prayer. We don't know exactly what was said but she was moved. When we finished we told her we would pray for her and hoped to see her on our next visit.

When we returned to the Prison Fellowship office later that day we told one of the volunteers about our experience with Dunia. She said they have been praying for her and speaking with her for quite some time. She will be released soon but cannot leave Columbia for 5 years. Prison Fellowship is hoping to employ her in the office because she is educated. Then also she will have  exposure to the Gospel! The Lord is moving in her life and we are excited to see what He will do with this beautiful Muslim woman. Please pray for her heart to soften to the things of The Gospel.

- Blessings, Diane and Gary