Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Diane answers some questions about music!

For those of you who don't know - Diane has a new favorite song every five minutes so asking her these music questions was a no- brainer!

What kind of music do you hear in Honduras?
We did not hear music except in the car sometimes when we were driving to the prisons. Also, when we were staying with Herasmo and Nora they would put CDs on in their livingroom. I think they were christian music - some instrumental and some not. When we were at Luz and Romeo's house, Luz would be singing hymns when we got up in the morning. It was part of her devotional time. Their music is beautiful and mostly very upbeat.

Do they listen to American Christian music?
We met one man who was a part of our training class who listened to American Christian music. He spoke English very well so he related to the words well. We had not had a chance to get to speak with him prior to the training. But during one of the breaks, I heard him listening to an American Christian song on his phone. I told him I loved the song he was listening to (I cant remember what it was, now) and that was when I found out he spoke English! Well, that was really exciting and we became great friends after that. We drove him to his home after the training was over and we were singing songs we knew in the bus. Some English, some Spanish. He is a music teacher in the school there and also teaches English. He is married and has a one year old son. He learned English by helping American missions trips who were traveling to Honduras. His dream is to come to the United States some day. We are now friends on Facebook and the bridge to our friendship was music!

Does music play an important part in their worship services in Honduras?
We had the privilege of attending a church worship service both times we were there and it was a blessing. They are much more enthusiastic than we are in the United States. There is a lot of hand raising and many songs before the pastor speaks. We also had the privilege of attending many worship services in the prisons that we visited. There was much singing with great enthusiasm there. They really are happy about what the Lord has done for them and they are not afraid to show it! We always marvel at their enthusiasm.

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