Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Have you wondered what Hondurans think of the United States? Diane ponders this question.

What is the perception in Honduras of the United States and people from the United States?

Judging from the warm welcome that we receive from everyone we come in contact with in Honduras, I would say that the Hondurans love the United States and all that it represents. Many people we meet say that one of their greatest dreams is to visit the United States. A few of the family members of our in country hosts live or have lived here in the US. They seem to all have positive feelings to the United States. One young man who was involved in our Train  and Multiply class, told us it was his fondest dream to come to the US some day. He is a teacher there in Honduras and has learned English by volunteering when mission teams come to visit. He speaks English very well. And even teaches English in school, although his primary emphasis is music. We struck up a great friendship when I heard him listening to current Christian music on his phone between class sessions. He really likes Casting Crowns! It was very neat to share the love of current Christian music with him.

I think also that the Latin American people are a very warm and welcoming people in general. So this is the way they respond to all strangers. In reading about some other cultures, that is not the case. We feel very blessed to be so welcomed into their lives. When we are there, we are part of their family and are treated as such. The Latin American people definitely have the gift of hospitality. I do not think it is just because we are from the US - they are just a very giving people. We feel so blessed to be a part of this ministry.

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