Wednesday, February 25, 2015

PRAY! and OMS Spotlights Gary and Diane

One Mission Society's Facebook page

Go to OMS's facebook page and check out the prayer request as Gary and Diane prepare to leave for Honduras bright and early tomorrow.  Be watching for specific prayer requests in days to come on their ministry Facebook page.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

A little goes a long way

In the course of a given month, most of can easily spend much more than we want to admit on ridiculous things.  $5 coffees a few times a week.  A handful of little stuff that we grab at Target that we don't really need.  A candybar, bags of cookies or snack with zero nutritional value. What would it mean to commit a little of that "lost cash" to the global reach of the gospel?  MUCH MORE THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE.  Participating in Gary and Diane's ministry by even a small gift once a month, is a ministry you can call your own.  Perhaps you aren't called to go.  But in this way, you ARE going.  Please prayerfully consider an easy online gift once a month.  I set a reminder to check out our finances and give twice a month.  Sometimes we can and sometimes not.  But that is the joy of serving with them a God who is full of grace.  He blesses us for whatever we are able to offer.  And it turn it blesses Gary and Diane and many many more. Maybe something else works for you but consider what that means in your life. It means more than you can imagine - on earth and in eternity.

Click the link below to be directed to their donation page.

Gary and Diane - OMS

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Strengths and Weaknesses

How have you seen the way God turns things upside down - strengths are weaknesses and weaknesses strengths?

When the Lord first called us into missions, we kept saying to each other, "We feel so unprepared for this!" But One Mission Society helped us to see that He has been preparing us for this our whole lives. The biggest thing we have both learned is that in our weakness He is strong. We have been learning and are still learning to trust Him in our WHOLE missionary experience. In all aspects of our lives we are trusting Him. Everything from funding our trips to the language problem, to our safety when we are in Honduras, He has been providing in every way. We truly could not do this in our own strength. When we first came to OMS we expressed the doubt we had in our ability to do the job that we had been called to do, as Church Multiplication Facilitators. One of the men we were talking to told us this, " The Lord does not call the equipped, He equips the called." It is something well known and often repeated there at headquarters. That relieved some of our fears of the unknown then. We knew we were clearly called! So He will equip us and He Is! As with Gideon in Judges, our weaknesses are His strengths. He has provided for us and we know that will continue as long as He wants us to do this. Thank you for your prayers and support.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Hey - how's the weather down there???

Q:  What has the climate been like during your visits?

A:  Gary -  We have made spring and fall trips so far, but in Honduras there are essentially two seasons, rainy and dry.  During our trip in October, it rained frequently and heavily but not for the entire day.  During our June trip, I don't believe it rained at all.  Both the rain and the temperature are greatly affected by the mountains. Tegucigalpa is in a central mountain valley and the temperature there seems to be in the range of 65-80 degrees most of the time, however in October we went to San Pedro Sula down closer to the Caribbean in the coastal plain and the temperatures there were a good 10 degrees warmer.  Generally, the climate is wonderful.  In the mountains, the humidity is low, and although the humidity is much higher at lower elevations, we both really appreciate the warm weather.