Saturday, February 21, 2015

A little goes a long way

In the course of a given month, most of can easily spend much more than we want to admit on ridiculous things.  $5 coffees a few times a week.  A handful of little stuff that we grab at Target that we don't really need.  A candybar, bags of cookies or snack with zero nutritional value. What would it mean to commit a little of that "lost cash" to the global reach of the gospel?  MUCH MORE THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE.  Participating in Gary and Diane's ministry by even a small gift once a month, is a ministry you can call your own.  Perhaps you aren't called to go.  But in this way, you ARE going.  Please prayerfully consider an easy online gift once a month.  I set a reminder to check out our finances and give twice a month.  Sometimes we can and sometimes not.  But that is the joy of serving with them a God who is full of grace.  He blesses us for whatever we are able to offer.  And it turn it blesses Gary and Diane and many many more. Maybe something else works for you but consider what that means in your life. It means more than you can imagine - on earth and in eternity.

Click the link below to be directed to their donation page.

Gary and Diane - OMS

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