Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Why Go On A Mission Trip?

Once upon a time, Gary and Diane asked that same question and it rerouted their whole retirement plan. Check out this week's post by Diane.

People ask, " why go on a mission trip?". Well, I would answer if you feel that the Lord is prompting you to do it, then listen to His promptings and do it! 

Gary and I waited until we were in our sixties to take our adventure and answer these promptings. At first we went almost fearfully to the meeting for the trip to Mexico with our church. We thought,"What would they want with two old people on this trip?" We thought they would think we were too old to go, since they said there was some strenuous walking and other problems to deal with. As it turned out the Lord clearly wanted us to go and so did the others on the team! It was the best thing we ever did! 

We were part of a dental team with two dentists, two assistants and me to do dental work in the remote mountains of Mexico. They flew us out to that remote mountain area in a small single engine plane, making approximately four trips to get us all out there with the equipment. We also had some teenage boys with us and a translator, who was invaluable!  

It is hard to put into words how wonderful our experience was. The accommodations were not great. We slept on sleeping bags on the second floor of a government building. There was electricity but no bathroom! A local lady cooked for us and that was just wonderful. Plain and simple, but wonderful. But the best part was the people and interacting with them. We could not speak the language, but we could still communicate Gods love for them through us. I cleaned teeth sitting on a 5 gallon bucket with my patients on a chaise lawn chair. It was very primitive. It was one of the most physically difficult things I have ever done -  and one of the most rewarding. When we were flying away from the mountain, an overwhelming sadness came over me. I realized that I would never see these people again! It was very weird to me, since we really did not have conversations with them. But there was a real connection. We were showing them Christ's love and they were receiving it gratefully.

I believe that trip was a very important part of our call into missions. Gary and I both felt that those few short days changed our lives. I guess my only regret is that I waited so long to go on a trip. But I trust the Lord's perfect timing in this as with all other aspects of our lives. This was the time for our call. Needless to say - I would encourage anyone and everyone to answer the call to missions. It Will Change Your LIFE!

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