Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Freedom in Christ

As we celebrate the freedom we have in this nation this weekend on July 4th, might you consider celebrating that freedom by contributing to Gary and Diane's ministry with OMS? We are able to exercise so many freedoms in this country that we often take for granted. Freedom to worship, freedom to travel freely across this great nation, freedom to speak freely about our convictions. And with this freedom, Gary and Diane are choosing to take the message of freedom in Christ to a country and people that are desperate for it.

This isn't without cost for them. They have literally spent thousands of their own dollars, saved for what they thought was a free and easy retirement to travel to other countries and prepare eager believers to spread the gospel. This is God's desire for them and they have adopted it as their own. I am grateful for all of you who support and encourage with prayer and financial generosity.

Click here to go to their donation page.

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