Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Sweet Surrender

This is a great question and probably represents the BIGGEST change I have seen in my dad. And in this he is teaching all of us a brand new lesson - his daughters and all of his grandchildren. Absolutely overwhelming to watch this transformation.

How have you seen the way God turns things upside down--strengths are weaknesses and weaknesses are strengths?

I have traditionally been very hesitant to depend on others or even accept help very readily.  Perhaps the way I was raised?  Some of you will know what I mean, - Be your own man - Step up, no one else is responsible for your success, and the like. These are not bad lessons to get from your father, but they do overlook or ignore the help that our Heavenly Father provides.  For whatever reason, my ability or proclivity not to ask for help, which I always considered a strength has been an issue that I am learning to correct.

For example, in raising support for our mission work, I have consistently resisted making the request for support.  The personnel at One Mission Society have tried to explain to me that what I am offering is a way for those who can't go, aren't led to go, or won't go to still be effective in the work for the Lord in the Great Commission of Matthew 28, "Go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit."

Generally, what I have found is that most things I thought were my strengths were in fact areas of weakness that I incorrectly thought I had taken care of. 

Fortunately, as it says in Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me."
God is faithful and He has sometimes almost miraculously provided needed funding for trips where we were making reservations and purchasing airline tickets with no clear idea of how or where the money would come from to pay the incurred expense.  Our month end balance has been less than $300.00 far more often than it has been over $2,500.00 which is about the cost for our typical trip to Honduras.  We are just grateful that God is taking care of the books and the accounting

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