Thursday, December 10, 2015

Celebrate the most precious gift

At this time of year, we take time to celebrate the anticipation of this manger filled with the most precious gift we can imagine. He gave his Son while we sat on earth a mess. Wounded, broken, hurting or self-righteous and not admitting our need for Him. Hard to grasp. I find myself buying gifts out of obligation many years. Buying just a little more to make things even. Ugh. But the most meaningful gifts should be those we consider making to those in need. Matthew 25:36 is the namesake of this blog and in it Jesus says, "I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me."  The gifts I am giving this year that are out of THAT place that Jesus has created with that statement mean the most. As Gary and Diane continue to pursue the often forgotten and neglected in the prisons of both Latin America and in our own backyard in this country with the message of TRUE HOPE in Jesus Christ, would you consider a generous gift to their ministry? They won't tell you this but they are leaned into Him in a way they never thought possible because God is moving you to provide where they are not sufficient to do so. Hoping your giving in all areas brings hope to the world, joy to your heart and glory to our amazing God in Heaven. Merry Christmas.

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