Monday, February 8, 2016

Quick picture of the area outside the prison

Diane found this one photograph of El Progreso - the area outside the prison where they park - and thought she could share after the post on Friday.

Just to clarify, they are not permitted to take photographs inside the prison - at least not that prison. Others in their party have permission and they often get usable photographs later on. That's one of the reasons that you may see a lot of pictures of Gary and Diane's time with their hosts at lunches or downtime but much fewer pictures of the actual work they are doing inside the prisons.

We also don't get to see any photographic evidence of the difficult traveling that they do. A snapped photo here and there doesn't do much justice to the hours of road travel they do to reach these prisons. And don't be fooled. This is not like a few hours on the turnpike. This is Latin America and travel is much rougher. And my mom is rather famous for her car sickness. She brings a long plenty of motion sickness medicine but unfortunately has to leave the travel cushion at home. Maybe Gary can film some video next time to give us an idea of what travel is like.

Gary and Diane's comfort with their work does not in any way come from it's ease. It comes from a supernatural work that God is doing in them to give them what they need to do the work. Keep praying everyone. It's about to get pretty amazing.

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