Wednesday, March 9, 2016

AMAZING NEWS and request for fervent prayer!

As we have explained over the last years, we have been blessed to be able to participate in this ministry to the prisons in Latin America.  The success is God’s and the major workers are the volunteers in each of prisons who are there week to week instructing and encouraging the inmates in their discipleship and growth who deserve the credit.  Our role is one of encouragement, counseling and coaching of the trainers and to a much lesser extent assisting in the actual training of the individuals.

The results that are being achieved in Honduras by the volunteers have been significant enough to draw the attention of the leadership of both Prison Fellowship International and One Mission Society.  Through a series of meetings and communications it was decided to work toward a co-operative program between PFI and One Mission Society to go to the prisons of the world in a broader but also a deeper level to make an impact on this people group.
Agreements have been reached and the development of this program is taking place even now for targeting 10-12 countries in the World for 2016. 

Training Coordinator for TPJ-T&M Project 

With that said, we have been approached with the suggestion that we consider a role as the training coordinator for the project for all non-Spanish speaking nations targeted.  At this time it looks like those nations might be Philippines, Cambodia, Bangladesh, India, South Africa, Kenya, Bulgaria and Spain, Burkina Faso, Togo. 

As training coordinators, we would be expected to attend each of 2-3 Regional Training sessions to participate in the training of the First Generation of Trainers from each country in that region.  We expect to train at least 2 people from each country in this Generational Cycle.  Then subsequently, we would attend and assist in the training of the next generation of trainers, expected to be 10+ individuals that will then go throughout their nations sharing this program with both believers and un-believers that are interested. 

Assisting in the training of both the first and second generation of teachers would be probably two to three other trainers from OMS.  The suggestion is that I would –co-ordinate the training and Diane would be the Facilitator/Coordinator to handle the logistics for the program in the first generation training sessions.

A few other projects have been mentioned for our attention and consideration as well:

1)      Training Data Base Development Coordinator – OMS has trainers worldwide with many ministry partners for a multitude of different Church Multiplication Programs.  There has never been an established data base that could be accessed to find resources regarding the availability of trainers and materials based upon location (geography), languages for teaching, languages spoken, possible availability for teaching a week long class as well as by program, like T4T (Training for Trainers), VCP (Village Church Planting) and T&M (Train & Multiply.) We were asked to serve as coordinators for this project offering a “big picture” and “user friendly” oversight to keep the project focused on usability of those accessing the program.

2)     Interim Church Multiplication Facilitator to Colombia for the Prison Ministry – Working with Lacides Hernandez and his staff at Confraternidad de Carcelaria de Colombia  (PFI-Colombia),  In the absence of the present CMF due to health concerns, we have been asked to fill in for the next 6-9 months at a minimum to assist this co-operative ministry to achieve long and short term goals with regard to their work in the Prisons of Colombia.

3)     Continuing responsibilities as Church Multiplication Facilitator to Honduras – Existing roles

These represent a very large scope of projects that have not 

been totally firmed up yet but should be within the next 60 

days.  We are asking for prayers for wisdom to assist us in 

evaluating these projects and our capabilities to meet the needs 

of the project.

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