Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Train & Multiply - Gary Tells Us How This is Just the Beginning

As I have explained to some of you, in addition to the work we are helping with in Latin American prisons, God has laid it on our hearts to take the same Train & Multiply material to the local prison in Leavittsburg, OH at Trumbull Correctional Institution.

I had explained last year that a class of 10-15 disciples were regularly meeting where they were provided instruction, materials and encouragement to go out in the prison compound among their fellow inmates and begin talking about Jesus and inviting them to begin participating in small Bible studies.

That Train & Multiply class finished up and we held a graduation ceremony in December of 2015.  These inmates had become brothers in Christ over the period of 4 months when we were studying together.  These gentlemen have been meeting together now for about eight months and asked to keep the group together discussing Biblical issues, life problems and how to walk a Godly life in the prison. 

We recently started another class.  This time around, the members of that first class are teaching the material to a second generation of “church planters” for the prison.  Eleven men are now being taught the same principles by the men they responded to when asked if they would like to learn about Jesus. 

Each graduate was asked to submit 1-2 names of individuals that they thought were good candidates for the leadership training and those gentlemen were issued invitations.  Thirty one men were invited and at the first meeting 15 responded.  The attendance has leveled off at 12-13 and the enthusiasm and interest of these men is even greater than that of the first class.  I believe they are responding so positively because they are being  taught by a fellow inmate - someone who has walked in their shoes and has the same life experience as they have.

It is a slow start, but we were talking on Tuesday evening about saturation ministry  - where you contact every single person and offer them the opportunity to come to know Jesus Christ.  With a population in that facility of approximately 1500 inmates, one of them quickly calculated that between the present class and those from the previous class that if each one talked to one new person every day and they talked to a new person every day and so on, they wouldn’t have anyone new or unreached to talk to by the second week.  He has grasped the concept of multiplication and how that is the only way to reach the world for Jesus Christ.

It makes me ask, what if each of us did that ev
ery day, what would the world look like.

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