Saturday, April 29, 2017

Letters and Miracles from Colombia - Diane

I hope many of you had a chance to follow Gary and Diane's story this week on Facebook as they reached out for some prayer covering at language school. Last weekend, they feared that they would not have a level two class to attend after graduating from level one. With only the two of them signed up, the school needed at least three people for class. So we asked everyone to be praying. And last minute - as God often does - God provided. In the midst of their finals in level one, God provided another student. We don't even know where that other student came from but we do know that God answered the prayers of so many people. And we thank you and we thank a God who sees and loves us so much to do big things.

While they are concentrating on their Spanish language studies in Colombia, we will be sharing some of the stories we have from previous trips earlier this year. We hope you enjoy them and we hope that we will be able to soon share some of the ministry things they are able to participate in on the weekends in Colombia.

Wednesday January 25

Today we were picked up at 8am and we made our way through rush hour traffic to Bella Vista Prison. This was the prison in the video that we saw before we even knew what our assignment was with OMS. So we feel like our ministry started here, even though the program has been going on for approximately 20 years.

The first section of the prison we saw was the APAC program. This program gives the men more freedom in their areas and also trains them to do useful things when they reenter society. Jonathan, our ministry supervisor's son and our escort and driver, told us that the section of the prison they were given for APAC was in the worst shape of anywhere in Bella Vista. It has only been in existence for a year. And yet there are areas where there are sewing machines where they were making backpacks. They were very well made. They told us a supplier gives them the materials then they make them and the supplier sells them in his store. He gives some of the profit back to the inmates. They told us how this program not only gives them something to do, but gives them a sense of worth. They have hope they will be able to work when they are released. They also make jewelry. One of them gave me a necklace , bracelet and matching earrings. I was so touched. 

They all told us a little of their testimonies and how the spiritual aspect of the program is changing their lives. This program is changing the lives of Prisoners from the inside out. APAC started in Brazil and is making a huge difference in the lives of prisoners all over Latin and South America.

One other thing we saw them doing in the APAC program was working together on a project, building a large boat model. The other projects were more individual but this boat required teamwork and cooperation. This will be very useful to them as they reenter society.

We had lunch in the cafeteria and after lunch we entered the more high security part of the prison. We were led to an area where we were introduced to six leaders of the various "patios" around the Prison. This was an intimate meeting led by the Pastor Janivez in charge of that area. Each man gave his testimony, sharing how long he had been in prison and what he did to get there. Most shared that they had been murderers with no conscience at all about it. They said they would be dead if the Lord had not brought them to Bella Vista. It was amazing and touching. We thanked them for sharing their stories. Then we shared a little about our call to prison ministry. We told them that we would go home and tell the stories of the miracles that God is doing on a daily basis in Bella Vista prison . We prayed at the end and you could just feel the Spirit moving there. 

Another nice thing about today, is we had direct contact with the inmates and that doesn't always happen. Shaking hands and blessing them with a loving hands. We told them how much their stories blessed us and we would be sure to share them with everyone we meet in the United States.

Pastor Javier Mosquera, who was our guide spent 22 years in Bella Vista. Miracle after miracle.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Diane's Word for 2017

Each year for the last few, a small group of us have chosen a word or prayed about God giving them a word to focus and filter our life through for a year. We exchange emails every so often about how God is using that word to teach, grow and mold us. Diane gave me permission to share her last response regarding her 2017 word - OBEDIENCE.

Everywhere I turn, I get such strong confirmation that my word Obedience was truly the one for me. Recently I was part of a Priscilla Shirer study called One In A Million. It was a study about the Israelites journey through the wilderness. I realized that going to language school is my wilderness journey. It may not be as traumatic as some are called to be in, but still it is a very difficult thing for me to face. I know without a doubt that the Lord has called me to do this. So I am confident that He will sustain me through it. This study has reminded me that I cannot serve Him in this ministry on my own power. And the language learning is at the top of that list! I also realized that I must be positive and thankful about God's ability to enable me to learn Spanish. I must not be negative! And I will try to be grateful for this opportunity to serve Him. 

One of the quotes from the study really spoke to me, "If we want access to our full inheritance, we have to engage in active faith that illustrates our belief in God's ability and move forward in full confidence." 

So with His help, I will obey and go to language school as an indication of my active faith, that illustrates my belief in God's ability. To be able to do this I know I will have to begin each day with Him in prayer and His Word. Your prayers would be appreciated too 😊! 

And now, they are a week into the language studies she referred to in the here. MAYBE this was timed perfectly to be a reminder to her as well. Would you join me in praying that both Gary and Diane allow God to work powerfully within them to just make it click! He's so big, he surely can do that!