Friday, April 21, 2017

Diane's Word for 2017

Each year for the last few, a small group of us have chosen a word or prayed about God giving them a word to focus and filter our life through for a year. We exchange emails every so often about how God is using that word to teach, grow and mold us. Diane gave me permission to share her last response regarding her 2017 word - OBEDIENCE.

Everywhere I turn, I get such strong confirmation that my word Obedience was truly the one for me. Recently I was part of a Priscilla Shirer study called One In A Million. It was a study about the Israelites journey through the wilderness. I realized that going to language school is my wilderness journey. It may not be as traumatic as some are called to be in, but still it is a very difficult thing for me to face. I know without a doubt that the Lord has called me to do this. So I am confident that He will sustain me through it. This study has reminded me that I cannot serve Him in this ministry on my own power. And the language learning is at the top of that list! I also realized that I must be positive and thankful about God's ability to enable me to learn Spanish. I must not be negative! And I will try to be grateful for this opportunity to serve Him. 

One of the quotes from the study really spoke to me, "If we want access to our full inheritance, we have to engage in active faith that illustrates our belief in God's ability and move forward in full confidence." 

So with His help, I will obey and go to language school as an indication of my active faith, that illustrates my belief in God's ability. To be able to do this I know I will have to begin each day with Him in prayer and His Word. Your prayers would be appreciated too ðŸ˜Š! 

And now, they are a week into the language studies she referred to in the here. MAYBE this was timed perfectly to be a reminder to her as well. Would you join me in praying that both Gary and Diane allow God to work powerfully within them to just make it click! He's so big, he surely can do that!

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