Saturday, May 27, 2017

Forgotten story from Diane

For this blog entry, I was looking over the unpublished pieces that Gary and Diane have submitted and I stumbled on this overlooked gem from Diane that is over nine months old. But as I'm learning, God often has reasons for even my sporadic post choosing! So enjoy!

This is a story about how the Lord is taking care of us. We are terrible at asking for contributor for funding our travel. We know some would count it as a privilege to partner with us, but still we find it difficult to ask. 

On our last evening in Medellin (summer 2016) we were staying at the hotel close to the airport since we had a very early morning flight. We were sitting having a cold drink in the hospitality area in the hotel when another couple from the United States came. They heard us speaking English and asked if we minded if they would join us. They were young successful accountants and very nice people. We were able to share why we were there and about the prison ministry in Columbia. They seemed interested but not blown away! It was a very enjoyable evening and we were able to say goodbye the next morning since they were on an equally early flight!  

This evening was unique for us because at one time we would have just never struck up a conversation with strangers let alone talking about the Gospel. But serving the Lord has changed us in so many ways. We are not only less hesitant to speak of spiritual matters but the Holy Spirit has given us boldness to do it. We are so excited about what we do we can hardly keep quiet!

But the best part of this story came just last week. Gary was checking our OMS account to see where we are with funding for this next trip. When he noticed a name of a donor that he did not recognize! We don't have that many, so we know them all! Through the power of the Internet he was able to find that it was the couple that we met that night in the hotel! And this is how The Lord is taking care of us and enabling us to do His work. He is teaching us to depend on Him. And He is providing more than we could every imagine! We are thankful to be His servants. And thank you all for your prayers and support.

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