Friday, November 3, 2017

An update letter from Gary


As you read this, Diane and I will probably be in Honduras on our latest adventure.  It has been some time since we visited in Honduras (more than six months) because from June through October they have to contend with heavy rains and storms. This year was no exception with a hurricane or tropical storm that we in the States never heard about because of its location in the Western Caribbean where it made landfall all along the northern coast of Honduras.  Additionally, there have been several Pacific storms that have affected the southern coast of Honduras.  They have been dealing with flooding and washed out roads and mudslides throughout the country.  

Despite these hardships and the delays resulting from cancelled trips by the local pastors and volunteers, the real "feet on the ground" in our Train and Multiply program in Honduras, the program is still expanding and growing in numbers of participants and prisoners served.  The combination of the PFI program "The Prisoner's Journey" along with followup with the Train & Multiply discipleship program has been spreading steadily throughout the country and the prison system.  

In one recent conversation with Herasmo Ramirez, our coordinator for Honduras, he related a conversation with one of the Honduran prison authorities who had called and talked with him about our program.  He was very complimentary regarding the changes that it was bringing about in the prisons and among the prisoners with decreased behavior problems and violence.  He asked if it might be possible to consider starting a program where the program might be taught to the correctional officers in the various prisons where the program has been started.  This represents a major break through and reinforces how God's presence in Honduras is working miracles.  During this visit, we will be discussing this opportunity and Herasmo will be letting us know how he and the Honduran team are planning to incorporate the correctional officers into their training schedule.  

As the program has grown, God has graciously grown the trainer base with assistance from local pastors from several different denominations.  It has truly become an ecumenical movement with this wide spread participation by so many churches, pastors and denominations. 

During our visit, we expect to visit five or more new prisons that we have never been in before and see how the newest programs are growing.  We will update you all on our observations and a report on the current status upon our return.  

In the meantime, please pray for our safe travel, for Herasmo and his family (father- Erasmo, mother-Nora), for our key trainers and organizers (Pastor Adis, Pastor Briceno), for all of the trainers and student participants, that they will come to know and serve the Lord Jesus each day in their lives and that they will continue to share the hope of salvation with others.

Gary and Diane

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