Saturday, March 31, 2018

La Ceiba - Honduras!

Gary and Diane spent the early part of the month in Honduras. For the next few weeks we'll take a look at their visit and what God has been doing in their ministry. Let's dig in with Gary's travel log for their trip out of the mountains of central Honduras and to the beautiful coast!

On Tuesday morning, we departed the home of Erasmo and Nora Ramirez at 6:00AM and drove for the entire day, arriving in La Ceiba after passing through El Progresso and San Pedro Sula and along the northern coast of Honduras to the city of La Ceiba.  We arrived at approximately 6:00PM.   La Ceiba is located on the Caribbean coast.  We stayed at an old Hotel called the Art Deco Motel of La Ceiba for two nights.  In its day, it was probably a grand old hotel, but it has seen better days although it looked like someone was trying to bring it back, but the prices were right and the accommodations, although not exceptional, were okay.  We walked out on a pier, ate a late supper and went to bed exhausted!

Today, Wednesday, March 7, we departed our hotel and went to see the Prison at La Ceiba,  it was within a short walk from the hotel and in fact was right on the beach itself.  Like most of the visits this week, it was all new territory for us, and part of the program that began just four months ago when Pastor Francisco joined our team at the coaching training we gave on our last visit in November of 2017.  La Ceiba was a developing program.  There, the inside leadership has begun the Train and Multiply Program and there are approximately 25 inmates that are enrolled in the program who will graduate in approximately 6-8 weeks.  There was a great deal of enthusiasm and wonderful music before some encouragement from Herasmo, Pastor Francisco, and they even asked me to say a few words to the group.  There was probably a gathering of 45-50 men plus the six of us, in a room not much more than 15x25, we were all crowded, but we were all there to give thanks to God and to praise Jesus as we learned what it means to live for him and serve him.


On Thursday morning March 8, we checked out of our hotel and arrived at the prison  of El Provenir just outside of La Ceiba by about 9:30AM. Unlike many of the other prisons, this was in a rural setting in the woods. We drove off the main road approximately three miles on an almost impassably rocky road, past field after field of Pineapples.  Once we knew what we were looking at, we discovered that much of this region is pineapple producing country.  
When we arrived at the prison, we were greeted by inmate leaders and were taken to the chapel.  The Chapel here was called “Christ Who Breaks the Chains Chapel” a very fitting name for those in prison.  We all had an opportunity to address the “congregation” and speak a few words of encouragement to them regarding their situation and their salvation.  This was a smaller prison, and we had only forty or fifty people in the meeting, but they were enthusiastic and every one of them is enrolled in the sequence training which includes The Prisoner’s Journey (in Spanish is La Peregrinacion de los Prisoneres, or LPJ)  This Prison Fellowship program brings unbelieving prisoners into the church or chapel and lasts approximately 6-8 weeks after which, they are invited to continue with the OMS program, Train & Multiply.  The T&M Program takes new believers from their expression of faith to a growing, following and serving relationship with Jesus.  

After an additional drive of approximately three hours, we checked in at our hotel and went to the prison of Tela.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Gary Shares Prison Ministry Outlook for 2018

Each year in our family, we pick a WORD as a topic or issue on which to work in the coming year.  My areas in need of work seem to be boundless, but this year I selected the words Focus/Prioritize.  It is so easy to get distracted by many worthwhile projects and events and fail to concentrate on where God seems to be leading you 

As I look ahead for the next year, our focus needs to be on our Honduran partners and their work in the prisons in that nation.  In the past years, they have been our focus and their work there is reaping a great harvest in the prisons in that country.

They have even been sharing the same discipleship material in the neighborhoods in Tegucigalpa and they are seeing satellite study groups starting up and entire families are being involved in sharing the good new of Jesus Christ with their neighborhoods and places of employment.

Our focus however remains on the prisons which have been part and parcel of what I have been doing now for seven years or more, starting here in the United States. God has certainly taken us on a journey - our mission work starting with a trip to Mexico in 2012 and including in that trip, (what else??) a visit to the prisons in Mexico!

It is interesting that now, almost six years later, that same trip is leading us to return to those beginnings.  The pastors and missionaries we worked with on that trip are now expressing interest in taking the gospel into that same prison and others and have indicated their interest in the Train & Multiply program that has been developed so successfully in Honduras by the faithful volunteers there.

God is good and His plan always surprises and amazes me.  He can take people and experiences of the past and bring them all together to set new directions or loop back around to include past experiences to set new paths in continued service to him.

Diane and I feel so very blessed to have the privilege to serve in what ever manner we might, wherever He chooses.  So whether it is now to include Mexico, or some other location, so long as we are of sound mind and body, we are excited to do what we can.  

We continue to thank you all for your prayer and financial support.  Without it, we could not serve with the frequency that we do.