Thursday, March 8, 2018

Gary Shares Prison Ministry Outlook for 2018

Each year in our family, we pick a WORD as a topic or issue on which to work in the coming year.  My areas in need of work seem to be boundless, but this year I selected the words Focus/Prioritize.  It is so easy to get distracted by many worthwhile projects and events and fail to concentrate on where God seems to be leading you 

As I look ahead for the next year, our focus needs to be on our Honduran partners and their work in the prisons in that nation.  In the past years, they have been our focus and their work there is reaping a great harvest in the prisons in that country.

They have even been sharing the same discipleship material in the neighborhoods in Tegucigalpa and they are seeing satellite study groups starting up and entire families are being involved in sharing the good new of Jesus Christ with their neighborhoods and places of employment.

Our focus however remains on the prisons which have been part and parcel of what I have been doing now for seven years or more, starting here in the United States. God has certainly taken us on a journey - our mission work starting with a trip to Mexico in 2012 and including in that trip, (what else??) a visit to the prisons in Mexico!

It is interesting that now, almost six years later, that same trip is leading us to return to those beginnings.  The pastors and missionaries we worked with on that trip are now expressing interest in taking the gospel into that same prison and others and have indicated their interest in the Train & Multiply program that has been developed so successfully in Honduras by the faithful volunteers there.

God is good and His plan always surprises and amazes me.  He can take people and experiences of the past and bring them all together to set new directions or loop back around to include past experiences to set new paths in continued service to him.

Diane and I feel so very blessed to have the privilege to serve in what ever manner we might, wherever He chooses.  So whether it is now to include Mexico, or some other location, so long as we are of sound mind and body, we are excited to do what we can.  

We continue to thank you all for your prayer and financial support.  Without it, we could not serve with the frequency that we do.  

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