Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Driving in Honduras

Check out Gary's entry below and keep in mind a few things. First notice that driving and riding are NOT the same as it might be here in the US on big interstates. Gary spent much of his life on the road in a car logging many miles of driving managing significantly sized sales territories in his sales career. But THIS driving is truly a test of his faith!! A few more of the reasons that prayer for them is so critical when they are in country. 


Day 1 - Tuesday - left 6:00 AM from Santa Lucia. Arrived in La Ceiba approx 6:00pm. Overnight in La Ceiba (469 km - approx 9+ hrs driving and 12 hrs on the road.)

Day 2 - Wednesday -  Visited La Ceiba Prison. Overnight in La Ceiba

Day 3 - Thursday - Left La Ceiba at 7:00am, and drove to La Provenir, visited the prison, then drove on to Tela. Visited the prison for an evening graduation.  Couldn’t find an open restaurant for dinner.

Day 4 - Friday - Got up early. On the road by 7:00am. Drove for approximately 4-1/2 hours to Yoro prison in the mountains.  Held a meeting for graduation at Yoro.  Drove to San Pedro Sula, arrived by 7:30am Got take out pizza for dinner. Stayed at the Casa de Arcos.

Day 5 - Picked up by 7:30am. Drove to the prison at Puerto Cortez, had a meeting and graduation ceremony in the morning.  Visitation day for family.  On the road driving 4 hours.

Day 6 - Picked up by 9:00am drove back through Tegucigalpa to Santa Lucia, the home of the Rammer family.  Arrived home at 3:00pm after driving for six hours.

Total driving time since we arrived at TGU on Monday - approx. 30 hours in six days.   Averaging between 30-35 mph!!!  NOTE:  drive time included rest stop breaks and meals so we actually were driving faster than 30 mph.  Allowing time for stops and lunches, - estimated we averaged approximately 43 mph.

Driving is a particular challenge.  First, there are few hard and fast rules.  Secondly, the road surface in many areas is unreliable and potholes , ditches and natural and man made speed bumps can appear almost anywhere.  About the time you get your speed up to 50 mph there will be a ditch across the road or a large pothole and you will have to slam on your brakes in order to avoid breaking an axle or destroying a wheel rim.  

 Since there are no rules, people pull out in front of you when you are going 50 mph and they make no effort to accelerate to speed, but rather drive right in front of you at 20-25 mph.  It is a real test of your Christian principles, and I am just thoroughly grateful that I am not driving because I think my outward expressions and behavior would not reflect my faith.  Herasmo and Erasmo seem to be infinitely patient and forgiving, I like to think it is because they have grown used to these conditions and these drivers, but I believe instead that they are truly more forgiving and tolerant than me.

1 comment:

  1. Willie Nelson has a song for you that Erasmo would love to hear on the highway. Thank you for living a humble testimony and telling the stories of God's life-changing acts inside and out of the prisons. I'm pleased to know you are "on the road again."
    You're champions!
