Friday, April 12, 2019

The Story Continues

The blog has been quiet for the last four months but that has not been for lack of things to write about. In the intervening months, we had the holiday season and my husband and I (blog admin and oldest daughter, Dena Masterino) have been in the process of deciding to move to Ohio, closer to family. So as we planned and explored and now pack and prepare, the blog has suffered some silence. But for whatever reason God has motivated me to make time to get in here and post some of the backlog of stories that my parents have shared over the last four months. I don't know if it even matters that the stories aren't up to the moment. God's work isn't only powerful when it's fresh. It stands the test of time. 

*******Wednesday August 15

Today we visited the women’s prison of Tamara. They had a graduation of about 80 women from The Prisoners Journey Program. This is an evangelism program specifically designed for Prisoners. We have been involved in this prison for about three years. They have graduated many women from The Train and Multiply Program but some have moved to other prisons and some have been released. So it was determined that it was time to reach a new group of women with the Gospel. From our observation today, it was a great success. There was enthusiasm and eagerness on the faces of all of these women. They were mostly young, but there was quite an age range represented.
Herasmo spoke and then each of us said a few words of encouragement. After this the group leader read the names of the women and each one came to the front and was presented with a Bible and her certificate of completion of the program. One of the guards loaned her phone so that pictures could be taken of each of the women as they received their certificate. After everyone was done they took a picture of them all holding up the Certificates! Beautiful! Then after they were dismissed they were excited to get small group pictures together. You could see that many relationships had been built along with coming to faith.
Next they will begin the Train and Multiply Program, which is a discipleship program designed to help them grow in their new faith in Jesus. We are grateful to be a part of this program and to see the fruit of the Gospel in the prisons of Honduras.

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