Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Yes! We're awake! And we're BACK!

Happy end of summer to all of you!

We've been relatively quiet for the last month and a half since my dad's return from Columbia.  Diane and Gary have been enjoying family gatherings and picnics and the national parks of this amazing country, as well as getting accustomed to this long term thing called retirement. And as their blog coordinator, things have finally calmed down for me enough to get back to prodding them to give me material to update all of you!

In the meantime, I thought I'd share my perspective on their journey.  Carrie, my youngest sister, shared a little bit about the beginnings of the transformation in both my mom and dad as they began serving in the prison ministry.  I knew something was different.  All along I knew that he was changing but until I saw it in person at the first closing ceremony for KAIROS, I didn't know just how much.  When the men came into the room, my dad was craning his neck to see his guy.  When they each gave a few words to tell what the weekend had meant to them, my dad was getting choked up.  And when the ceremony was over he had zero hesitation about introducing this man to my mom and me.  Zero.  I saw my Dad being a dad to a bunch of men - many who had never known the love of an earthly father.  That was real change.  And I couldn't have been more proud of him.

SO, when he began telling us that he was earnestly contacting organizations that specialized in retirement missionary service, I wasn't surprised.  Seems the softening of my dad's heart was real and had taken a deep hold.  And I had seen that same thing in the life of my husband, so I knew the deep and pervasive power that God could have on a life.  And I was practically giddy getting to watch this happen in my mom and dad.  REALLY!  Who gets to say that in their life!!!  What a privilege!

I watched them go through training that was hard for both of them.  But I have to say that since those days of watching my dad change, the most dramatic changes since then have been inside of the two of them and in their relationship to each other.   SO if any of you think God is done growing you - THINK AGAIN!

My mom never believed she was smart - which is ridiculous.  She spent over 30 years as a great dental hygienist, learning all manner of process, science and eventually information systems along the way.  So going back into the classrooms was hard for her.  And she has NEVER embraced changed very well.  But this was different.  I got to see my mom be challenged and exceed her own expectations.  And I got to see her thrive in their ministry as she connected to others with her smile and her welcoming spirit.  She is finding a stride that she didn't know she had.  And my dad?  Well, our struggles with flaws have always been painfully similar.  Dad is in his element coordinating and organizing and he connects well to others - which was made him an exceptional technical salesperson and rare in his field.  But his growth has come from ceding to God's plan and timeline and methodology.  He is learning patience and faith and trust in ways I bet he didn't think possible.  So proud of them both - because this is hard stuff.

As they have served together - whether it was in the mountains of Oaxaca or the language school in Costa Rica or in their separation during my dad's last journey to Columbia - they have grown personally together.   These two people who have known each other all of their lives but 15 measly years at their beginnings are changing every day.  They are learning to communicate better, support each other unselfishly, and love each other  more than ever.  Love is patient, love is kind, love is not easily angered.  Those are tall orders without Jesus and even taller when it comes to our closest partners who see our very worst.  But Jesus is teaching these "old dogs" new tricks.  Most of you have known Diane and Gary for a good while.  They will always be like thunder and lightening at times but something has changed and that has been that their marriage and their partnership is honoring God more than ever.

So as they prepare for their next big trip at the end of September, I am asking you to please be praying for their marriage, their health, and whether you can contribute prayerfully and/or financially to the work they are doing to spread the gospel of Jesus to all the nations.  We can't all go - but we can all send.

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