Monday, June 30, 2014

Missing You! - from Diane

I've been thinking during my time alone this last week with Gary being gone in Columbia. This is the first time we have been apart for this long since I retired (and even quite awhile before that!) It has been much harder than  I ever thought. When the girls were teenagers Gary traveled all the time. We didnt like it but we were used to it. But it is different now. I have just recently gotten used to spending every day with him. So when he is not here its very lonely. I thought the hardest thing about our calling would be the travel. I NEVER thought that a really hard part would be when I needed to stay home! But I will say one thing. It has made me appreciate him so much more! We can only message each other on facebook and email - thank you God for those tools! We could skype but I am not that tech savvy. But I can tell you before the next solo trip I will learn to skype!   I have decided that it is harder to stay home than it is to travel and be with him. The Lord has taught me not to take my husband for granted. We all need to learn that lesson when it comes to our families. Maybe this was necessary for me to get the mesage!

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