Wednesday, November 19, 2014


  What was your biggest surprise in traveling to Central and South America?

The biggest surprise for me is how wonderful and welcoming the Latin American people are to us. They are understanding of our language problems, open to the Gospel message and seem to be very glad we are there. This amazes me. God has certainly given us a heart for the Latin American people, but they are very easy to love. This is true from the people in the prisons to the many people we meet who are associated with the ministry. And it is especially true of the Ramirez-Reyes family who we stay with when we are there. They have truly adopted us into their family and treat us as one of their own. They are wonderful Godly believers and we feel very blessed to know them.

I don't think there were any really big surprises.  The people we have encountered there, both strangers and those who are becoming our friends have show a great deal of love and encouragement to us.  I guess one surprise is something that I was warned would take some getting used to, that is "Latin Time."  I tend to be "on time" and keep to a rigid schedule, and my family can attest to that even with regard to our vacations, but that kind of rigid order just doesn't fly in Latin America.  Things just move at a slower pace and at first I was frustrated and impatient, yes, one of my other shortcomings.  But with each successive visit, I find that after a day of adjustment, I can get into the swing of things and take things as they come.  It is really a lot less stressful pace than I would normally set for myself.

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