Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Baptism - Our Special Surprise!

Hi there blog world!  Diane here.

I wanted to share a little bit about how being there for the baptisms of the persons of peace touched us. We knew nothing about it ahead of time, which seems to be the norm when we are there! We arrived on Friday and immediately went to the women's prison - quite a long day! Saturday we were told that during church on Sunday there would be baptisms. We were trying to figure out how they would do that in the church in downtown Honduras! Little did we know that it would be in Nora and Herasmo's house! They had bought a softside pool and it was set up on the patio next to the house! There was a beautiful church service beforehand, right in the living room. Then the baptisms! The age range was from  about 12 to about 70. It was so very moving and we were honored to be a part of it. Before the baptisms, each person stood in front of the congregation and gave their testimony! So moving! You could just feel the Lord's presence there that day.

Then in typical Latin American fashion, there was a meal afterward! Nora and Herasmo had ordered food and catering dishes and the whole works! There were even balloons for decoration. We were able to help in that a little bit the night before with Pastora Dollys. Everyone ate and fellowshipped and had a wonderful time! They even allowed me to help in serving the food with Luz as the guests formed the food line. I felt honored to be able to help, since they usually will not let us even carry our plates to the sink! This was a huge undertaking, for Nora especially, so she could not do it all! 
It was an amazing time of faith and fellowship. 

Then the next week we visited the home of one of these persons of peace where they all meet every week. They are going through the lessons of the Train and Multiply program. After prayer and the lessons, Pastora Dollys recorded each of their testimonies. Even though my Spanish is not good, I was so moving to see what the Lord  is doing in each of their lives. 

So if you are wondering if the Lord is answering your prayers for this ministry in Honduras, the answer is YES He is! We feel so grateful and humble to be a part of His work there. Thank you all for your prayers and support. That is what makes it all possible. 

In His service,


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