Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Gary shares a story of victory in Christ through a changed heart!

This celebratory story appeared in the March 18,2015 Prison Fellowship Prayer Letter from OMS's Every Community for Christ and tells an exciting story of a softened heart.

Gary shared a wondered story of God answering prayer while they were in Honduras. “A chaplain in a woman’s prison received us on our first visit with a great deal of hostility and anger. She repeatedly said, “Palabara, Palabara, Palagara, pero no accion, ” which translates “All talk and no action.” She viewed our Train & Multiply as just another case of people coming into the prison, preaching, leaving with no involvement and no continuing commitment. She agreed to allow us to come five days later, but without any enthusiasm or support. We left a little discouraged, but we all committed to pray about her attitude.

When we returned and began teaching the first lesson from Train & multiply, the story of Noah and the Flood, she and the others in the room were attentive, involved , asking questions, and very positive about the material. When asked at the end of the class how they liked it, the others all answered positively and were excited to continue to study. Then we asked the chaplain, her opinion. Almost in tears, she apologized. She had only recently received her “certification” as a chaplain while she was serving time as an inmate in the prison and was now continuing her time required in prison and serving as a chaplain there. She said she knew well that she had much to learn about the Bible and a relationship with Jesus. She said she had been praying for something that would help her learn more about the Bible and would help her to be a better Chaplain, teacher and counselor. She said she could see that the Train & Multiply Program was an answer to her prayer. We recognized that her change in attitude was an answer to our prayers as well. That was the first lesson for the first time in that prison, and we are looking forward to the program expanding rapidly in the prison.”

Aren’t you glad you prayed for Gary and Diane and for their trip to Honduras?

Continue to pray for that prison, and the other prisons in Honduras  where Train & Multiply is being used to share the Gospel of Jesus.

Pray for the Chaplain as she serves the Lord with a glad heart. Pray the Lord gives her the desire of her heart to learn more of the Bible and to be a better Chaplain.

Pray for the prisoners in that prison to come into a relationship with Jesus and experience the love of Jesus.

Pray for Gary and Diane as they serve the Lord with Prison Fellowship in Colombia and in Honduras.

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