Saturday, September 19, 2015


From Diane:

Gary often writes very detailed descriptions of our times in OMS training meetings. I will just give a little added perspective. One thing that we both neglected to mention in our last handful of posts about the meetings is the prayer that covered us while we were there. During and well before every meeting there is a prayer team that is doing only that and nothing else. They pray during all the meetings, walking around or sitting and covering us in prayer. Also we are able to schedule specific prayer times for our individual needs and that of our specific ministries. It is such a blessing to feel the Lord's presence during this time. That is one reason why we are so uplifted at the meeting. There is such a spiritual emphasis placed on all OMS does.

During our visit to the Dominican, I had the privilege of sitting in on two sessions of the individual prayers. It was such a blessing to participate. Since many of the attendees were Spanish speakers, there were translators there too. One of the sessions that I was in required a translator, and that flowed so well. The translator was able to speak almost simultaneously with us as we prayed. It was amazing and beautiful.

We are more grateful every time we attend an OMS function that the Lord directed us to this wonderful organization. #FeelingBlessed

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