Thursday, September 24, 2015

So!! What's happening in the prisons of Honduras???

Gary writes about what is going on in Honduras as a result of the investment of OMS, Prison Fellowship, the people of Honduras and the mighty work of God. You might recognize this conversation he described for the post from OMS a few weeks back.

What kind of results are you seeing in the Project your are working?

God is truly working in Honduras.  We are blessed to be a part of what he is doing through the group of volunteers and the faithful Christians in Honduras.

Regarding the success or growth of the program, I can tell a story that occurred the last day we were there on a recent trip.    

I asked, ”What do you think this program will look like a year from now?”  At first I got a confused look, so I said, “How many trainers do you now have?”  They answered – “17.”  I followed up, “Then how many do you expect to have in a year?”

Again I at first was met with a blank look and then Nora said, “In three weeks we will have a total of 63 because several training classes for trainers are going to be completed.”

“Ok, how many will you have in a year?”  It was then that it really dawned on them that this program was just about to explode. 

They replied, “Well, we could probably have over 100!”  to which I added, “probably closer to 200-300. Today, with only seventeen trainers, we have about as many groups studying and each of those has 5-7 trainees, but the groups in the prison that are worshiping as a result of the program are already approaching 200-250 in the four prisons we are now active in.”

God is right now in the process of opening all the prisons to our program which will result from meetings held that week with government officials, ministry partners and individuals who will aid, support and lend a supporting hand in the introduction of the Gospel into Honduran Prisons.

Let's add that to the list of things we are thanking Him for today.

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