Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Usually when we are in Honduras we don't feel like we are in any particular danger. Except when we are on the road with the crazy driving and basically no rules (but we are getting used to that.) This trip, they informed us of another danger that was hidden and we had never thought about. That danger was in the mosquitoes. We have never seen many bugs of any kind there so we did not think of them at all. I had taken a small spray bottle of repellent, just in case! But to our surprise, they informed us when we arrived that there was a very real outbreak of fevers from the mosquitoes. The two fevers are dengue and chicamanga. We had heard of dengue but not the other one. Our wonderful host came prepared with extra repellent for us in case we didn't have any. They always are taking care of us. Not being very familiar with either of the fevers, we did some research. Apparently neither of these are deadly but can cause much discomfort and take many weeks to recover from. So immediately I Facebook messaged Dena, Emily and Carrie for prayers of protection. I hesitated a little not wanting to worry them. But I knew we needed the protection. And as usual, The Lord provided us with protection. We still put the spray on, but were no longer concerned. We knew we were protected.

We know that we are not immune from sickness and troubles, but in this instance we were protected. Much of the time we are in country we can feel the power of your prayers and support. We sleep fine. The aches and pains are minimal and so on. We are so very grateful for your prayers and support for us to participate in the ministry. We love being a part of God's work in the prisons and look forward to many more years of serving Him.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Diane Shares of Hope and Growth in Honduras

Before we left to go to Honduras this last time, we were notified  of the death of Luz and Romero's granddaughter. They were very close even though she lived in Miami with her mother. She was only 20 years old. This was a terrible tragedy for their family. Please be in prayer for their family as they continue to grieve this loss. So needless to say, we stayed with Herasmo and Nora and family. We had stayed there for the first of our trips and we had our same bedroom. Nora had also injured her foot right before we got there. But she attended everything we did for the whole week, limping along happily. This just speaks to the dedication of this family to the prison ministry. Nothing will stop them from serving!

All of the four prison programs are going very well and growing. Most are getting ready to end the training of the persons of peace and begin the small group phase. One visit stands out to me. That was our visit to El Progesso. It is four hours away and so we stayed overnight. Also they took us to the beach (the Caribbean) the day we left to go back to Tegucigalpa. But the prison visit was outstanding in two ways. First at how awful the conditions are in that prison. They took us through dark hallways of concrete that were partially broken down and wet! It looked like they were in the process of construction or destruction! But in spite of these conditions, the Lord is doing an amazing work there. The men are very excited and very organized. Sister Lillian, who is our dedicated volunteer has done an amazing job. The group has outgrown the room they are meeting in! The Lord works His miracles in the most unlikely places!  This prison was the first place that we have seen such poor conditions. There may have been these conditions other places, but we did not see them. Every time we go to Honduras we feel so blessed to be a part of this program.

Another wonderful story is from Tamara. That is the women's prison near Tegucigalpa. You may remember that we related a story from our last trip about the pastora-inmate who was very negative on the very first visit there. Then as a sample of train and multiply was presented later in the week, she realized that this program was an answer to her prayers. The training is going very well and they are about to finish and break into their small groups. What a wonderful program! We are blessed with very dedicated loving volunteers who are there every week without fail.

    We had a wonderful visit, with Lacides Hernandes, to the prison of Marcala. The Train and Multiply program is also going very well there. There was a ceremony lead by our volunteer Dania to present the persons of peace with their certificates. They were very proud of this accomplishment. The high point of the visit for us and for them (we think was the presenting of some posters made from placemats from simple white paper. Carrie, our youngest daughter, teaches Sunday school and the children in her class have been working very hard to look up Bible verses in Spanish and write them with an appropriate picture to go with it. Her class started to do this for the prison ministry Gary is involved in here in Ohio. And Carrie thought it would be a good idea to do some in Spanish for us to take with us. It was a great idea! They made a whole presentation out of giving them to each inmate. Lacides read each verse and then handed them personally to the inmates. You would have thought they were made of gold. The inmates were so thankful that some children from the United States would take the time to do this for them. It meant a great deal to them. These are the things that we get to do that make all the difficult travel worth it.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Steps at a time....

Most of us careen through our lives giving little thought to world missions. It's great to hear about it, read about it. Hear the stories of others. But do you realize that when we support world missions in any way, we are actually following in obedience with the Great Commission? We can't all go. Some of us are called to that and others aren't. But we all "go" when support in prayer and financial encouragement. And this doesn't mean pledging thousands of dollars. Not all of us are blessed in that way. But even small persistent donations are a step of obedience and a way of saying, "I'm in, God." Would you consider taking that small step today and praying and making a contribution to Gary and Diane's fund to show your tangible support?