Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Usually when we are in Honduras we don't feel like we are in any particular danger. Except when we are on the road with the crazy driving and basically no rules (but we are getting used to that.) This trip, they informed us of another danger that was hidden and we had never thought about. That danger was in the mosquitoes. We have never seen many bugs of any kind there so we did not think of them at all. I had taken a small spray bottle of repellent, just in case! But to our surprise, they informed us when we arrived that there was a very real outbreak of fevers from the mosquitoes. The two fevers are dengue and chicamanga. We had heard of dengue but not the other one. Our wonderful host came prepared with extra repellent for us in case we didn't have any. They always are taking care of us. Not being very familiar with either of the fevers, we did some research. Apparently neither of these are deadly but can cause much discomfort and take many weeks to recover from. So immediately I Facebook messaged Dena, Emily and Carrie for prayers of protection. I hesitated a little not wanting to worry them. But I knew we needed the protection. And as usual, The Lord provided us with protection. We still put the spray on, but were no longer concerned. We knew we were protected.

We know that we are not immune from sickness and troubles, but in this instance we were protected. Much of the time we are in country we can feel the power of your prayers and support. We sleep fine. The aches and pains are minimal and so on. We are so very grateful for your prayers and support for us to participate in the ministry. We love being a part of God's work in the prisons and look forward to many more years of serving Him.

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