Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Steps at a time....

Most of us careen through our lives giving little thought to world missions. It's great to hear about it, read about it. Hear the stories of others. But do you realize that when we support world missions in any way, we are actually following in obedience with the Great Commission? We can't all go. Some of us are called to that and others aren't. But we all "go" when support in prayer and financial encouragement. And this doesn't mean pledging thousands of dollars. Not all of us are blessed in that way. But even small persistent donations are a step of obedience and a way of saying, "I'm in, God." Would you consider taking that small step today and praying and making a contribution to Gary and Diane's fund to show your tangible support?

1 comment:

  1. Gary and Diane care for an important relationship for one Mission Society with Prison Fellowship. I endorse them as itinerant missionaries bringing valuable experience and passion to multiplying disciples and Christian communities.
    Greg Carlson, Latin America Peer Coach
    Every Community for Christ/One Mission Society

