Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Reflections From the Last Trip to Columbia - from, Diane

On this day we began the day at Bella Vista prison. We thought we would see a worship session but we got a wonderful surprise and were witnesses to 20 baptisms!  The process of admission to Bella Vista was not as strict as for Pedregal. There was one computer check point and one metal detector. One stamp and finger printing. And then they checked our shoes after the metal detector! And of course we were fingerprinted when we left too.

We were directed to the chapel when we got there where we were informed about the baptisms taking place today. We were very excited to be present for this wonderful time. 

We were also informed that Janean Brabon would be there too. It was a pleasure to see her again. She was a part of the first people to bring the Gospel into Bella Vista back in the days when they were killing each other and the guards were even afraid to enter. But due to a vision from the Lord, the Gospel was taken into the prison by a few brave missionaries, and the prison was changed from a place of darkness and violence to a place of the Light of the Gospel. Today there is a seminary there that produces pastors who serve both inside  and outside the prison. 

After the baptisms we got to shake everyone's hands and extend our blessings to them. We were so blessed to have been there to witness this wonderful event.

After the baptisms we were taken to another patio or cell block. Much smaller and less crowded than the previous one. They said the prisoners in this patio were all former police or guards or government officials and lawyers! It seems crazy but that is what we were told. We went into the room where they have Bible study. There was a guy sleeping there. They told us that this room also is used is as a safe place to sleep when inmates have no money to buy sleeping spots! That is the way it works there due to the severe overcrowding of the prisons in Columbia. Our guide from Prison Fellowship (who also spoke English, praise God!), told us that Prison Fellowship owns some space and they see that the men have adequate places to sleep if possible. We also found our our guide works for OMS! It truly is a small world.!!!  They asked me to say some words about how believing in the Lord Jesus changes your life. I gave a short testimony of what He has done for me with a salvation message. The Lord gave me the words, for sure. Gary shared about how we were called into prison ministry and they seemed moved by our stories. So grateful the Lord provided a translator. We are so grateful to be serving in the prisons of Latin America

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