Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Thanksgiving for the work God is doing!

As we all settle down for gatherings with family and friends to begin this season of Thanksgiving to count our blessings, here is a reminder from Gary and Diane's recent visit to Honduras. Strung throughout is evidence of all the gratitude and thanks we have for the amazing things God is doing. This is also a time for Gary and Diane to say thank you for all of the support and prayers that you have offered them since this adventure began. All of us have so much to be thankful for during this special season.

November 7
Today we went to the city of Tamara to visit the National Men's Prison there. There are about 4,000 men housed there.  The day was beautiful and cool. We were taken to a very nice open air worship area. There we would participate in the graduation of about 40 men from the Prisoner's Journey Program. This is is 6-8 week program of evangelism and introduction to Jesus. Then immediately following they will be going on to do the Train and Multiply Program, which will train them in discipleship in the coming year. This will prepare them to be mature followers of Jesus. At the graduation they were given a Bible and a diploma. Most had never had a Bible before. It was a treasure to them. We were blessed to shake their hands and witness this wonderful celebration. 

Across the rest of that prison, programs are being held in Train and Multiply and the Prisoner's Journey. A total of 980 men are actively involved in these programs throughout the prison system since the program started approximately one year ago.  One amazingly beautiful thing beautiful is that the Catholic Church there at the prison is holding a class in The Prisoner's Journey! This kind of collaboration does not happen often, but as it happens more frequently we as "The Church,"will be able to help fulfill the One Billion Vision that the Lord has given to OMS - one billion lives reached with the Gospel message in the next 10 years. We are so blessed to be a small part of what the Lord and His servants are doing in the prisons of Honduras.🙏🙏

After the ceremony we were introduced to another group of volunteers who work in the prison of Tamara. One of them spoke English! He had been in prison in the US when he found Jesus! So now he is working here in Honduras to bring the Gospel to his fellow prisoners. He also wants to work together with Prison Fellowship Honduras. So the Lord orchestrates the meetings of His hands and feet! We see this often! The love of our Savior and The Gospel bringing us together.

Another special moment happened at the closing of the ceremony. They brought us pop and two small chicken burritos to eat. So sweet and generous. Herasmo said we should try to eat it because they want to share this special time with us. So Gary and I and Herasmo drank the pop and ate the burritos 🌯 with them. It was their celebration and we were honored to share in it. Herasmo knows I sometimes have problems with the foods here, but I knew the Lord would bless this food that they shared with us. Another blessing to end the wonderful morning.

Another PS to this story! As I was writing this I neglected to share that Gary was able speak a word of encouragement to the graduates! He told them how much of a blessing the success of this program is to us and to both OMS and Prison Fellowship International. They woven into our lives,hearts and prayers.🙏

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