Monday, January 30, 2017

Slacker Blog Poster

Hey all! It's been literally MONTHS since I posted anything to Gary and Diane's blog and NOT for lack of material. Life has just been full and busy and this slipped through the cracks. Apologies!!!

Right now they are on their way back from Medellin, Colombia, South America after a ten day visit filled with all NEW wonders and stories. However, I was looking through unposted stories and ran across this one from over 6 months ago that we didn't share. Getting back on schedule, I thought it well past time to remind everyone of the amazing things that Gary and Diane are blessed to be part of with One Mission Society and Prison Fellowship. Hope you enjoy!

From Diane's Travel Journal last summer in Medellin:

Well, we FINALLY spent our first full day in Medellin,Columbia. We were off to a very rocky start. We were supposed to arrive here late Monday night with a full day planned for Tuesday. A graduation and baptisms were planned for Tuesday. But instead we missed the plane to Medellin due to a late plane from Pittsburgh. Thankfully Delta paid for our hotel room that night, since it was their fault. We still may have to pay for the missed reservation at the hotel here in Medellin, not sure yet.

But we were off this morning bright and early to Pedregal women's prison to see  their APAC program. Which is their reentry into society program. The girls were doing a Bible study and we got to listen with a wonderful translator. She was a joy to meet, but we came to find out that she is Muslim and is merely teaching the others English. We listened to her story and talked to her about salvation and it was clear the she is searching and confused. We will be praying for her salvation. Will you join us?

Some of the girls shared with us how the program is helping them grow spiritually and prepare them to reenter society.

Then after the prison we were off to a meeting at the CCC, Confraternidad Carcelaria Columbia, where Lacides was having a meeting with the Board of Prison Fellowship Columbia. We had an interpreter then also. There was much talk of finances and some questions for us representing OMS that we must find answers to. 
 It was a wonderful but exhausting day. We did not actually check into our room last night until 11pm and were quite tired.

Sometimes in reading or listening to my parents tell about their trips, I forget how exhausting travel can be. They have MANY days with back to back to back meetings and it is fair to say that during most all of their visits, they must be ON, focused, and present. When I consider that and the fact that they are both closing in on 70 years on this earth, it becomes clear that God is sustaining them while they are away. I hope I am as youthful as they are at that age but even as they spend this full day traveling back again from South America, please know how critical your prayers are for them. This is not an easy path but He is certainly the God of miracles and the impossible. Thank you for all of your support! Would you consider leaving a prayer in the comments here or on Facebook to encourage them today?

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