Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Less like a Mission, More Like Family

Well, a new year is upon us. We are now looking forward to another visit with our ministry partners in Honduras. They really are more than ministry partners. They are our family! If someone would have tried to explain what our relationship with them would be before we met them we would have never understood. That first trip we were very apprehensive. We had never met them at all. No pictures! Only names! In fact, we worried needlessly about what we would do about a flight delay or cancellation. How would we let them know? But as He has with every aspect of this ministry, The Lord has taken care of us. We immediately were accepted into this wonderful serving family and made to feel very welcome. We are blessed to know many in their extended family also. So you can see why we are eager to return to visit them. It is a wonderful renewal of our friendship as well as the additional blessing of seeing the fruits of their labors in the prisons.

We are looking forward to visiting new areas of Honduras where new programs in the prisons have been growing. On our last visit we met a new volunteer pastor who will be working in these new prisons in the north of Honduras by the Caribbean Sea. The Lord provided this man in answer to our prayers for more volunteers to cover areas of Honduras that are too far away for our country coordinators to travel to on a weekly basis. As I said earlier, He has provided all we have needed for this ministry to reach the prisons of Honduras.

When we were in Honduras last, we had a three day seminar for all the volunteers on coaching. This would be helpful for them in working with their leaders in the various groups in the prisons. One thing we are praying about is that the finances would be available in the future for a retreat for the volunteers. They would gain such encouragement from each other by just getting together. They are spread out over the whole country and do not see each other regularly. We know and have faith that The Lord will provide in this area also. He has been so faithful in providing what is needed in the past.

When people ask us how long we will continue to serve in the prisons of Honduras, Gary and I say, “As long as the Lord allows!” As long as we are blessed with our health and ability to travel, we count it as a privilege to be a part of the Lord’ s ministry in the prisons of Honduras.

Thank you for continuing to pray with us,

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