Monday, December 18, 2017

Another Episode from November 2017

Diane shares the next two days of their journey as more are changed by Jesus in the prisons and in the neighborhoods of Honduras.

November 8 

Today we returned to the National Prison of Tamara to visit another class. It was held in their library, a very small space for the number of people. There were approximately 40 men in attendance. They were the leaders for the Train and Multiply Class. These leaders will in turn be training the next group of leaders. And this is where the multiplication come in! Herasmo spoke to them and introduced us. 

Then Herasmo interviewed Gary about our role in this program. Gary explained that we simply obeyed God's call on our lives and brought this program from OMS. At the end Herasmo asked if there were questions. Several men expressed their gratitude to us and sent blessings to our family and church. One thing Gary mentioned was how happy we are that the evangelicals and Catholics are working together in this Train and Multiply Program to reach more people with the Gospel. Gary mentioned to them a quote from our pastor. He says The main things are the plain things, and the plain things are the main things. We know that we can agree on the main things and this will reach more people with the Gospel. I got up and told them what a blessing they are to all of us and that we are praying for them. Herasmo also passed out some placemats that our daughter Carrie and her Sunday school class have done for us to bring as gifts. They are just done on plain white paper but they are done with love and contained beautiful artwork and meaningful scriptures. They were very touched at these gifts. There was a lot of handshaking and blessings exchanged. 

As we were leaving, there was an inmate, not part of the program, standing at the door. He had lived in the United States and wanted to speak English with us! It is nice for us to be able to actually speak with someone. Most of the time we speak in our broken Spanish! Again, it was another blessed day seeing what the Lord is doing in the prisons of Honduras!

Thursday Nov 9

Today was our last full day here. Nora, Erasmo and Herasmo took us out to lunch to a beautiful restaurant overlooking the city. We were there before at night and it was beautiful, but even more so in the daytime.

After that they told us we would visit a house church on the outskirts of the city. This church was started by a young couple from their church who also participated in the Coaching Training last weekend. The restaurant was very high up above the city. The neighborhood where the church plant was located was also very high above the city. The roads were not as bad as the ones going into the Prison of Danli, but they were steep and very curvy. We picked some family members up on the way, then we traveled to their house. It was very nice but very remote and on a steep road. Erasmo was able to use his driving skills to get us in and out of that area!

This young couple, who we knew from previous times in their church, are leaders in this new house church and are using the Train and Multiply Program. It turns out that these people were all family and the young couple have been sharing the Gospel with them because that is what we are commanded to do! This in itself was exciting, but even more so when they started sharing testimonies of how Jesus had changed their lives. The young man who was the husband shared his testimony and it was powerful! He was drank alcohol so often and in excess that  he could not hold down a job and lost much in his life. When he came to know the Lord his whole life changed! He began to share his faith with the rest of the family. Now they all have testimony to share! Not everything is perfect for them, but their trust is in Jesus. It was such a blessing to see what God is doing in the neighborhoods of Honduras as well as the prisons! 

Lord willing, someday soon we will have a saturation project here just like the one in Colombia where the goal will be to make sure every ear has heard the name of Jesus.

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