Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The Last of Honduras 2017

This will be the final episode from Gary and Diane for 2017. The post today closes out the details of their trip in November. Gary, Diane and all associated with their ministry hope that you had a blessed Christmas and will continue to follow their journey in 2018. Please continue to pray for the growing body of believers in the prisons of Honduras and for Gary and Diane as the continue to follow God's call to go. Blessings for a Joyful 2018!

November 10

Today we got up very early to begin out trip to the Prison of Choluteca. It took us over 3 hours of pretty difficult travel to get here. The road was very twisty with only 2 lanes. We crossed a beautiful mountain range that was comparable to our mountains out West.They are a continuation of the of the Sierra Nevada Mountains from California and Mexico.The closer we got to Choluteca, the worse the roads got. Very bumpy with lots of potholes. This is why they asked us not to come during the rainy season. The roads are almost impassable then. Now it is hot, dry and dusty.

When we got pretty close to the prison we picked up two of the volunteer pastors that are from the Nazarene Church. They are the leaders of the program in the prison of Choluteca. There were three pastor volunteers total. One spoke a little bit of English!

It is very hot here in this city. They warned us that it would be and they were right! Herasmo comes here about every two months or so. They said that it was not as hot as usual, and we thank the Lord for that blessing! After traveling through the town, we turned on a dirt road. This road took us to the prison of Choluteca. It was very bumpy and seemed to be made with river stones. This went on for about three miles. A very slow go. At some times, we scraped the bottom of the bus on the deep ruts. As we drove back this road we saw small homes with clothes hung over wire fences to dry. Sadly, they were getting dirty with the dust we were stirring up. There were busses and trucks on this road too. It was really only a single lane, so you had to pull over to let people pass. There are always children and dogs wandering around the houses, the same everywhere here in Honduras.

When we finally got to the prison we were escorted through the gate. They took our passports and gave us a round wooden coins with the number of the box where they put our passports! Kind of like a mail box with many slots - right out in the open! But there was an armed correctional officer beside it. After we left that station, we went to a room for the pat-down. Yesterday at the prison only the men were searched. But today, there was a woman correctional officer for the women. Nora and I were the only women.

We were lead through the open yard of the prison to a small space with the typical plastic chairs and asked to sit down. Thankfully there were a few fans that made it bearable in the heat. Before we got too comfortable they asked us if we wanted to see the men who had just begun the Train and Multiply Program in another block of the prison. So we left with an escort and Herasmo as our translator. We were told that these eight men were policemen on the outside so they are kept in segregation. They are just starting T&M and are very excited to be learning and sharing the Gospel. The place they were meeting was little more than a cramped narrow hallway with just enough room for some plastic chairs! They each told us what the program meant to them. We were very touched. As always we assure them of our prayers for them. It is amazing to us how they  receive our visits but the fact that we are willing to come means so much to them.

Then we were lead back to our original meeting space. There were about 15 men who were the leaders of the Train & Multiply Program through the whole prison. This is a relatively small facility. Housing about 700 men and 30 women(who we did not see) but with only room for 300 hundred. Many have to sleep on the concrete floors. This is not unusual for a Latin American Prison.

These leaders have the ability to move throughout the other areas on certain days to spread the Gospel and do training. We were blessed to be able to hear a testimony from each man. Thankfully Herasmo translated for us. We knew what each one said and were we're so touched. Gary and I both got to speak a few words of encouragement to them and tell what a blessing they are to us. We both could feel the Spirit of the Lord touching our hearts with each testimony. After the testimonies, they gave us pop and cookies. There were a few who could speak English, so we were blessed by being able to speak to them.

It was an exhausting day. But we are so blessed and encouraged by what the Lord is doing in this prison of Choluteca. They know that The Lord has not forgotten them and neither will we. Please keep these men of God as n your prayers. In less than 6 months the Lord has made wonderful progress to a saturation with the Gospel in this prison of Choluteca.

November 11

Today we left the hotel early for our visit to the Prison of Nacaome We all traveled together in the bus we always ride in. Thankfully it has air conditioning as it very very hot there. But of course, there is no air conditioning in the prison! 

We were lead back through the prison after the usual pat-down to enter. The room we went to was very crowded. Thankfully, again there were some fans, but it was still extremely hot. I guess it could have also been that these men were on fire for the Lord! Their worship was very enthusiastic and full of love for Jesus! Perhaps that added to the heat!!

This facility was smaller than the last ones we visited. With about 300 inmates it was still very crowded. The Prisoners Journey Program has been finished there. Now it is time for the Train and Multiply to start. There are about 60 leaders signed up to begin the program. They are really full of enthusiasm as are the pastors who come to visit on a weekly basis.

We all spoke words of encouragement and blessing to them. We really look forward to seeing the progress they will be making in their walk of discipleship with the Lord.

At most of the prisons, the inmates make various items to sell. This gives them a way to earn money to give to their families. At the prison of Nacaome, they were really persistent in their selling ! They were selling purses that they crocheted. So Herasmo and family bought us some beautiful gifts for a remembrance and to share with our family.

Even though we would have liked to stay longer to hear some testimonies from the men, we had to leave. Another ministry was coming and they only permitted one ministry visit at a time. This prison also does not have any cooperation among ministries as some others do. We are praying that will change and all can work together for the good of the prisoners.

Even though it was really, really hot there, we were blessed what what is happening there. We pray for these men and the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives to help them share the Gospel.

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