Friday, December 8, 2017

Real World - Danli Prison: A MUST READ/WATCH

Consider something. We are heading into the shortest days of the year. At the same time, one of the wonders of the season is the warmth and twinkle of Christmas lights and candles and outdoor displays. If not for the darkness, those lights would not bring joy. They'd be dull. 

Less than a month ago on the way home from the airport after Gary and Diane's last trip to Honduras, Gary mentioned a Youtube video on one of the prisons that they had visited. I found it and experienced a new level of respect for what they do and PERHAPS a new level of trust for the mission that God has called my parents to pursue. Below you will find an old travel log entry from their 2016 trip to Danli Prison and then below that, you will find a link a the documentary.

Today we visited the Prison of Danli. It was only in the discussion mode the last time we were here. We left the house at 7 and had a lot of traffic going down the mountain into the city. It took almost 3 hours to get to this prison. The roads were very curvy - which is nothing new - and also they were in much disrepair. At times we had to almost stop to pass over the holes!

We stopped to pick up Pastor Briceno, who has been working tirelessly in Danli and other new facilities. Because of the distance, it is a blessing that he can visit these far away prisons. We witnessed three separate graduations from Train and Multiply, with more to come soon. There were about 180 total men in the T&M Program with about 50 graduating today. It was such a blessing to be there for this blessed event. The men appreciate the fact that we are able to visit them. But we are very blessed by seeing what the Lord is doing in the prisons here. They feel they are forgotten, but new life in Christ gives them strength for today and hope for tomorrow.

As we were leaving the prison, we got to speak with the warden (not the term they use), Erasmo and he have known each other a long time. I noticed a Bible laying open on his desk and that was special in itself. But then he shared his testimony with us. He was an adult when he became a believer and the Lord spoke to him in a dream to get his attention. It was very dramatic. He shared the The Lord called him and then promised him safety in the very dangerous job that he does. So he is very supportive of bringing the Gospel into Danli, and seems to be grateful that the program is changing lives throughout the cell blocks.

It is so moving to see the enthusiasm of these men for the Gospel. They do not have much here on earth, but they have the hope of salvation.

Sadly we have no pictures of this wonderful celebration because cameras and phones are prohibited in the prisons here.

The documentary is 43 minutes but even a quick hop over to take a look at parts of it should be sufficient - although it is quite interesting if you have the time.

Danli Prison Documentary

It is difficult to believe that these two things could be happening side by side in the same prison. And yet very literally, that is the truth. The 2016 documentary and the Train & Multiply program were happening at the same time. And in a prison population of 700 inmates (per the documentary) 25% have been through the training. THESE are the things we miss if we are only watching the regular news and channels like Discovery!! These are the stories that go untold. Jesus is alive and well in the darkest of places.

So the next time you drive past a holiday display at night that makes you smile, offer a prayer that all around the world, Jesus CONTINUES to light up the dark places with HIS SCANDALOUS LOVE and His dedicated hands and feet.

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