Friday, February 2, 2018


Before Gary and Diane ramp up for their next trip in early March, we thought we would ask them to share some reflections on a number of things. Diane starts us off this week.

I was just thinking back over our time in prison ministry. From the beginning of His calling us, I never had any sort of fear of going into any of the prisons. It is really amazing, because I am not a brave person. Also I am not a risk taker at all. From that very first prison experience in Ohio, to Mexico and Honduras, I was never afraid. That credit could only be given to the Lord and the calling that He was putting in my heart for those in prisoners. I recall that during our mission trip to Mexico we went to a prison there. At the time I did not think much about it, but one of the other women was very fearful as we were waiting to go past security. She was a native of Mexico, so the country was not the issue. My calling for the incarcerated started with Gary’s calling. At first, I thought it would be something that he would only be involved in. At that time he was doing written lessons that were sent in by prisoners. 

Then after some time, he started with KAIROS. That is a program where prisoners are selected to participate in a weekend in the prison. During that weekend the Gospel is presented and many are brought to saving faith. Still, I thought that this was “Gary’s Program! ” I was involved in baking the cookies that were part of the weekend. But that still did not change my heart. The change came when I witnessed first hand what this weekend meant to the men. I was privileged to attend a closing ceremony at the end of the weekend. At that time each man shared his testimony of conversion and what it meant to him. God was beginning to give me a heart for these men too. Then in the next year, I was able to work on the kitchen team for a KAIROS weekend. There was a team of us working together and also with inmate kitchen workers. That was a life changing weekend! I got to really know a few of these men and work side by side with them. Also, as the men came in to the kitchen area to eat, we would sing a song to them. It went like this: we love you and God loves you and that’s the way it’s gonna be! Just a simple song with much meaning. They knew we meant it and it meant a lot to them. On the last day, they sang the song back to was so heart warming. It sounds so simple, but that was the real change in my heart. The Lord knew what experience I would need to give me a heart for prisoners. 

I am so grateful that The Lord brought me along right behind Gary. So we did the beginning of our married life together and now we are doing our retirement together serving Him!

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