Friday, June 20, 2014

Training in Indiana

Hello, friends and family!  Gary here.  Just a quick update on what I was up to last week.  After only one day home from Honduras, I was back in the car and along with another Church Multiplication Facilitator (CMF) from Middlefield, OH, Roger Cruse, we were on our way to Greenwood, IN to our destination - Henryville, IN. 

Roger is the CMF for a portion of India and all of Indonesia, where he travels 2-3 times each year.  We were invited to attend one of the workshops at the VAN Symposim.  This Symposium brought together the largest and most significant of our ministry partners from around the world to discuss and share how networking together and sharing one another's experience can afford benefits to all members of the ONE MISSION SOCIETY team. 

Above:  Banner honoring the attendees from around the world Those involved were from Colombia, India, Bangladesh, Singapore, Spain, Korea, the Caribbean, Bangladesh and a few other East Asian countries as well.  

The general scope of the discussions was what kind of support services, materials, trainers and training should an organization supply to their direct or 'first wave "train and multiply" partners and how should this support be sustained and maintained with subsequent waves in order to keep the Gospel being spread, expanded and modeled in subsequent waves. 

It was an interesting and active session and led to a lot of good discussion and dialogue between both OMS people and other participating partners as well.  An interesting development is now occurring in that some of these partners are now at the point where they are sending their own missionaries out to develop new areas and new countries using the model from One Mission Society.  Our work in Honduras fits this description quite well, inasmuch as Confraternidad Carcelaria de Colombia is sending trainers to Honduras to begin the development of the Honduran Prison Ministry utilizing Train and Multiply materials and methods.

Photo left:  Prison Fellowship of Columbia Representatives- It is so encouraging to see that the Great Commission is being understood and executed throughout the nations of the earth, in the second, third and subsequent waves into an ever expanding body of Christ.

Above:  Our group photo

"Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost."  Matthew 28:19

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