Diane and I are just back from our recent trip to Honduras and we wanted to share some of what we experienced. We plan on sharing some of the story of how we got to this point in the blog later on but wanted to keep you updated as our mission really begins to pick up speed! Here are a few excerpts/ photos from our travel log. Please comment and ask any questions you like!! We welcome it!
Prison Ministry to
May-June 2014
May 28, 2014 - Wednesday
Our first day in Honduras - arrived about mid-day. Met our hosts, Nora
Reyes and Erasmo Ramirez and their son, Herasmo. Nora and Erasmo are the leaders of Prison
Fellowship in Honduras. Dollys Galindo, the trainer, arrived about 6:00PM from
Medellin, Colombia.
Adjustment and seeing some local color. First
went to the local Prison Fellowship Int'l Church. Worked in the office and set things up for the meeting on
Saturday. Then to two local “pueblos” or towns to see some colonial type
architecture and overlooks of Tegucigalpa.
May 30, 2014 – Friday
Early departure. Drove 4 hours to get to
Mercala to visit the local “state jail” - approximately 150-200 inmates. We were welcomed by inmates and prison
officials, alike. I gave a brief greeting and told them how much we appreciated
being there and and Dollys spoke to their hearts. Wonderful reception and
fellowship with inmates and correctional officers, as well.
May 31-June 1, 2014 – Saturday and Sunday

Sunday we finished with a prayer walk around the neighborhood of the church. The people were open and receptive to prayer and listening to the story of Jesus and salvation offered by Him for each of us.

June 2, 2014 – Monday

June 3, 2014 – Tuesday
Today we spent the day getting to and visiting
two prisons about 2 hours outside of Tegucigalpa. The first was a larger central prison, the
second was a smaller prison where we were told they might not even allow us
in. We were delivering contributed medicines
and sanitary and personal care items to each prison. The prisons were located in La Paz and

had a down day and took Dollys to the airport right after noon and really
didn’t do much. I think we needed it - we were kind of worn down!
June 5, 2014 - Thursday
We were whisked off by Nora’s
brother and sister-in-law who had lived in the US for 20 years but spoke only
broken English. They took us to the mountains on the other side of
Tegucigalpa where we saw a very real and very old Honduran town with a mission
church from 1823 still in use. We had lunch with them, returned to Tegucigalpa
and had tea with them at the Mall and returned to Erasmo and Nora’s home about
June 6, 2013 - Friday
We got ready and went to the
airport mid morning and we were in airports and on planes from 10:30AM Friday
until almost 2:00AM Saturday. We stayed the rest of the night with our
daughter Dena and then drove back to Aurora, OH and got home about Noon on
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