Thursday, June 19, 2014

Please pardon the timeline jumping with these first posts as we get this blog up to speed!  Following is our update prior to our Honduras trip.  This will give you a pretty good idea of what our outlook on the mission is for the rest of the year.

Greetings to all our prayer partners and supporters!

Our ministry is getting into gear in a serious way right now. 

Diane and I will be facilitating and training 15 Honduran volunteers in Tegucigalpa, Honduras May 28th-June 6.  These 15 volunteers have already been actively visiting the prisons in their country. We will go with them into these facilities and begin establishment of Train and Multiply Bible studies.  This program results in the identification of leaders and the formation of small groups and then eventually the establishment of churches within the walls of the prisons, directed and led by inmates themselves. 

Diane and I will be looking forward to utilizing our newly learned skills in Spanish assisting in instruction and building relationships with the trainees.  They will use the material and skills we provide to encourage and teach the inmates and develop long term relationships with a foundation in Christ. 

After we return to the US, we will continue to support these trainees by following up with them via Skype and e-mail, offering suggestions, checking on progress, and seeing just how God is working  through their efforts.  We look forward to sharing those stories of hope! 

We will return to Honduras in 8-12 weeks to work with them further and make several visits into each of the facilities in which they are ministering.

It is exciting to see how these trips will be driving our calendar in the next year!  As we make our way, we plan on staying in touch and taking each of you with us as much as possible.  

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or encouragement!  Your participation and prayers mean a great deal!

In Christ,

Gary and I have been asked to participate in a training event back in Colombia.  They are working throughout the nation of Colombia to take the Gospel to each and every home in the nation!  What an exciting potential for major transformation in a country once so torn by drug trade and violence! This will include to all those incarcerated in the prisons of Colombia, as well.  The plan is to train approximately 100 volunteers from across the country to go back to their “barrios” and start planting the seeds that will multiply into a revival within the nation. 

Since this trip has fallen so soon after our trip to Tegucigalpa, it will be impossible for me to accompany Gary because our support account will just about be emptied out. 

So, can I ask that you pray for increased pledges and gifts to our mission work to Latin America? 

We always appreciate your prayers but would also ask that you prayerfully consider participation as financial partners of our mission work. 

It is VERY SIMPLE to pledge your support.  And EVERY gift makes a difference to us. 
Go to this link:

Thank you all so much for your continued prayers for our effectiveness, protection and responsiveness to God’s call us to serve Him!  It means more than you know!                  


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