Thursday, October 30, 2014


We would like to start more of a dialogue with all of our friends and family about our mission!  We have been able to visit with some of you or exchange emails or Facebook messages, but that's not enough.  We want to hear more from you!  What better way to do that than by asking YOU what questions you have for Gary and Diane and taking a question each week and answering it on the blog!  Please submit questions to and we will give it a shot!

We would also welcome comments and dialogue on the blog posts or on our Facebook page.  We want to hear from you!  It encourages us in ways you can't even imagine.  So start asking! We cannot wait!

Monday, October 20, 2014

A great way to start a Monday!

Got a few more nuggets to share from Gary.  Will you consider supporting this mission with a monthly donation?  What they are doing is working.  The love of Jesus is spreading and his children are being encouraged to reach the lost and broken.  It's as easy as clicking on the link below.

More from Gary:

These pictures are all taken at the prison at El Progreso, Honduras

This picture was when I was speaking to the inmates in a gathering of bible study participants at the prison.

Gary and (Herasmo translating) during their prison visit

This picture is of the Prison Office.  The gentleman in uniform is the warden.  The prisons are operated under the authority of the Honduran Army.  The lady next to the warden is one of the justices of Honduras.  She has an office in the prison and was there to greet us.

Diane and Herasmo (center right and left) worshipping 

These pictures are of the inside of the prison chapel showing the participation in the worship.  Every inmate in the chapel this day was participating in our newly started Bible Studies.

The inmates expressed their gratitude to God and to us for our participation in bringing a program that was more than just preaching and offered them an opportunity to learn the Bible and about God's Plan.

The gentlemen in the front row with his hands raised is Erasmo Ramirez (Age -72 years), the president of Cofraternidad de Carcelaria de Honduras (Prison Fellowship - Honduras)  He has been doing prison ministry in Honduras for over thirty years and he stated that for the first time ever, he is getting support, material and a workable and "working" plan to spread the Gospel inside the prisons.  He said the program is expanding rapidly in the prisons and in neighborhoods where they have taken the material.

Friday, October 17, 2014


Following are some of the encouraging and even miraculous stories related to us during our visit.  They are clear evidence demonstrating just how powerful the love of our Savior truly is!!

1)  Liliam, one of the volunteers we have helped train in Tegucigalpa, told us about a man in her community who had an alcohol problem.  She invited him to join the Bible study that she was starting and she was surprised when he accepted and started showing up each week.  She said he was participating and was clearly studying and reading scripture through the week.  After the second week, his wife and one of his teenage daughters began attending because of the change they saw in his behavior.  The following week the man's other daughter started attending because her sister told her about it.  Now each week, the entire family is actively participating in the Bible Study.

2)  Anabella said that several weeks after she began presenting the program in the prison, she was told of an incident where several of the student inmates were together studying. An individual that was not in the study barged into the room and said that he had some kind of a problem with one of the other inmates in the class.  He had somehow managed to acquire a gun inside the prison.  He had walked into the chapel challenged the individual and walked right up to him and fired the gun into the man's chest.  The gun misfired! Apparently every man in  the group agreed this was a sign from God that the study of God's word was what had protected them.  Word of this incident had reached the street and people outside were interested in the Bible Study as a result. Someone indicated that the perpetrator was also shocked by the misfire and, while he is still in solitary confinement, he has communicated his desire to study with them when he gets released back into the general population.

3)  Erasmo related that there is a gentleman that he sees frequently - at least once a week - in a group of men that get together  The fellow is a professed atheist and is generally very negative about any theological discussions.  Erasmo has begun using the Train and Multiply Booklets and the group of men have been using them for a portion of their "get togethers."  He said that it has been interesting to see the "athiest" start by challenging what they were talking about and move to listening quietly.  Now he is asking and inquiring about the subject mater.  Erasmo said that the man is still reluctant to surrender his position as an athiest, but that he is there listening, questioning and participating in the discussions and that is a far cry from where he was just three months ago!

GOD IS AT WORK!!  We hope to share more and more stories like this with each visit!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Honduras Revisited With Gary

Our trip to Honduras this month exceeded our expectations in many ways.  

Just since the initial introduction of the train and Multiply Program, Lilliam, at the prison in El Progresso, has seen God at work through the enrollment of four plus leaders, and attendance of fifty to sixty students at the Bible Study based on the program. 
Every inmate in Room is attending the Bible Studies started at El Progreso since June 2014

Two of the leaders got before the group and expressed gratitude to the volunteer team indicating for the first time ever, they are really learning about God, His Plan and are coming to know not just more about Jesus, but really coming to know Jesus

Four inmates that lead Bible Studies - Hijos de Paz
They said in the past, people would come in and hold services with and for them, then they would leave and they wouldn't hear from them again. But with the Train and Multiply Program, there is repeated and supportive involvement from the volunteers with the inmates.  They are involved and genuinely committed to the program.

The growth that has already been achieved by the local Honduran team under the guidance of Herasmo Ramirez is so very encouraging.  Herasmo and the others on the team and the inmates themselves expressed their gratitude for us coming to Honduras. We told them we had done very little other than to follow where God sent us and that the achievements were the results of their own commitment to Jesus and His Great Commission.

Herasmo and his parents explained that they were grateful that we were offering continued support and the material.  They told us that after doing prison ministry for over thirty years that for the first time ever, they had a working plan on how to spread the Gospel in the prisons of Honduras.

We are so humbled by what God is doing here and are so grateful that by simply responding positively to His direction that He is achieving such encouraging results. 

Nora Reyes Ramirez and Diane praying with an inmate
The team in Honduras is excited, motivated and anxious to keep the momentum.  While the effects are intentionally focused toward the prisons, the program is also working in neighborhoods where Bible Studies are being initiated by team members.
Me talking to inmate and volunteer following service

Next post I will share some of the stories shared with us that have encouraged us greatly in the work being done in Honduras.  Stay tuned!  

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Diane Reflects on Honduras

It is really hard to look back on our recent week in Honduras and summarize it. But I will give it a try!

Gary and I are so blessed to have a small part in what the Lord is doing in Honduras. When we are there, they constantly thank us. We do not feel there is anything to thank us for! We simply said yes to the Lord when He called us to go and serve Him. Then He took it from there. He knew there was going to be a spiritual awakening in Honduras, and specifically the prisons, and we are just a very small part of that taking place. 

We have made many wonderful friends in these last two trips. We look forward to our next trip in February when we can see them again. But that is just part of our joy.

The most exciting part of the trip was witnessing first hand what the Lord, through His persons of peace (the OMS program title for trainers in the Bible) has been doing in the prisons there. Many men and women are coming to saving Faith in Jesus Christ and then learning from the Bible. They are growing in their faith through studying the Word of God in the booklets provided from the program. In both prisons, there was so much excitement about their new faith. It was so gratifying to see it. These people in the prisons in Honduras feel that they have been forgotten and through this program they are finding hope in the Word of God and their new Salvation. They know that they are loved. We pray that when they are released from prison that they will go out into the world and be ambassadors for Christ there too. 

As far as we are concerned, we are getting much more than we give when we visit Honduras. We have been blessed by new Christian friendships that will last for many years. And we have been blessed to witness the mighty work that The Lord is doing in the prisons in Honduras. We pray that we will be able to serve in this way for many years to come. We thank you for your prayers and support. 

In His service,