Thursday, October 16, 2014

Honduras Revisited With Gary

Our trip to Honduras this month exceeded our expectations in many ways.  

Just since the initial introduction of the train and Multiply Program, Lilliam, at the prison in El Progresso, has seen God at work through the enrollment of four plus leaders, and attendance of fifty to sixty students at the Bible Study based on the program. 
Every inmate in Room is attending the Bible Studies started at El Progreso since June 2014

Two of the leaders got before the group and expressed gratitude to the volunteer team indicating for the first time ever, they are really learning about God, His Plan and are coming to know not just more about Jesus, but really coming to know Jesus

Four inmates that lead Bible Studies - Hijos de Paz
They said in the past, people would come in and hold services with and for them, then they would leave and they wouldn't hear from them again. But with the Train and Multiply Program, there is repeated and supportive involvement from the volunteers with the inmates.  They are involved and genuinely committed to the program.

The growth that has already been achieved by the local Honduran team under the guidance of Herasmo Ramirez is so very encouraging.  Herasmo and the others on the team and the inmates themselves expressed their gratitude for us coming to Honduras. We told them we had done very little other than to follow where God sent us and that the achievements were the results of their own commitment to Jesus and His Great Commission.

Herasmo and his parents explained that they were grateful that we were offering continued support and the material.  They told us that after doing prison ministry for over thirty years that for the first time ever, they had a working plan on how to spread the Gospel in the prisons of Honduras.

We are so humbled by what God is doing here and are so grateful that by simply responding positively to His direction that He is achieving such encouraging results. 

Nora Reyes Ramirez and Diane praying with an inmate
The team in Honduras is excited, motivated and anxious to keep the momentum.  While the effects are intentionally focused toward the prisons, the program is also working in neighborhoods where Bible Studies are being initiated by team members.
Me talking to inmate and volunteer following service

Next post I will share some of the stories shared with us that have encouraged us greatly in the work being done in Honduras.  Stay tuned!  

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