Monday, October 20, 2014

A great way to start a Monday!

Got a few more nuggets to share from Gary.  Will you consider supporting this mission with a monthly donation?  What they are doing is working.  The love of Jesus is spreading and his children are being encouraged to reach the lost and broken.  It's as easy as clicking on the link below.

More from Gary:

These pictures are all taken at the prison at El Progreso, Honduras

This picture was when I was speaking to the inmates in a gathering of bible study participants at the prison.

Gary and (Herasmo translating) during their prison visit

This picture is of the Prison Office.  The gentleman in uniform is the warden.  The prisons are operated under the authority of the Honduran Army.  The lady next to the warden is one of the justices of Honduras.  She has an office in the prison and was there to greet us.

Diane and Herasmo (center right and left) worshipping 

These pictures are of the inside of the prison chapel showing the participation in the worship.  Every inmate in the chapel this day was participating in our newly started Bible Studies.

The inmates expressed their gratitude to God and to us for our participation in bringing a program that was more than just preaching and offered them an opportunity to learn the Bible and about God's Plan.

The gentlemen in the front row with his hands raised is Erasmo Ramirez (Age -72 years), the president of Cofraternidad de Carcelaria de Honduras (Prison Fellowship - Honduras)  He has been doing prison ministry in Honduras for over thirty years and he stated that for the first time ever, he is getting support, material and a workable and "working" plan to spread the Gospel inside the prisons.  He said the program is expanding rapidly in the prisons and in neighborhoods where they have taken the material.

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