Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Diane Reflects on Honduras

It is really hard to look back on our recent week in Honduras and summarize it. But I will give it a try!

Gary and I are so blessed to have a small part in what the Lord is doing in Honduras. When we are there, they constantly thank us. We do not feel there is anything to thank us for! We simply said yes to the Lord when He called us to go and serve Him. Then He took it from there. He knew there was going to be a spiritual awakening in Honduras, and specifically the prisons, and we are just a very small part of that taking place. 

We have made many wonderful friends in these last two trips. We look forward to our next trip in February when we can see them again. But that is just part of our joy.

The most exciting part of the trip was witnessing first hand what the Lord, through His persons of peace (the OMS program title for trainers in the Bible) has been doing in the prisons there. Many men and women are coming to saving Faith in Jesus Christ and then learning from the Bible. They are growing in their faith through studying the Word of God in the booklets provided from the program. In both prisons, there was so much excitement about their new faith. It was so gratifying to see it. These people in the prisons in Honduras feel that they have been forgotten and through this program they are finding hope in the Word of God and their new Salvation. They know that they are loved. We pray that when they are released from prison that they will go out into the world and be ambassadors for Christ there too. 

As far as we are concerned, we are getting much more than we give when we visit Honduras. We have been blessed by new Christian friendships that will last for many years. And we have been blessed to witness the mighty work that The Lord is doing in the prisons in Honduras. We pray that we will be able to serve in this way for many years to come. We thank you for your prayers and support. 

In His service,

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