Friday, October 17, 2014


Following are some of the encouraging and even miraculous stories related to us during our visit.  They are clear evidence demonstrating just how powerful the love of our Savior truly is!!

1)  Liliam, one of the volunteers we have helped train in Tegucigalpa, told us about a man in her community who had an alcohol problem.  She invited him to join the Bible study that she was starting and she was surprised when he accepted and started showing up each week.  She said he was participating and was clearly studying and reading scripture through the week.  After the second week, his wife and one of his teenage daughters began attending because of the change they saw in his behavior.  The following week the man's other daughter started attending because her sister told her about it.  Now each week, the entire family is actively participating in the Bible Study.

2)  Anabella said that several weeks after she began presenting the program in the prison, she was told of an incident where several of the student inmates were together studying. An individual that was not in the study barged into the room and said that he had some kind of a problem with one of the other inmates in the class.  He had somehow managed to acquire a gun inside the prison.  He had walked into the chapel challenged the individual and walked right up to him and fired the gun into the man's chest.  The gun misfired! Apparently every man in  the group agreed this was a sign from God that the study of God's word was what had protected them.  Word of this incident had reached the street and people outside were interested in the Bible Study as a result. Someone indicated that the perpetrator was also shocked by the misfire and, while he is still in solitary confinement, he has communicated his desire to study with them when he gets released back into the general population.

3)  Erasmo related that there is a gentleman that he sees frequently - at least once a week - in a group of men that get together  The fellow is a professed atheist and is generally very negative about any theological discussions.  Erasmo has begun using the Train and Multiply Booklets and the group of men have been using them for a portion of their "get togethers."  He said that it has been interesting to see the "athiest" start by challenging what they were talking about and move to listening quietly.  Now he is asking and inquiring about the subject mater.  Erasmo said that the man is still reluctant to surrender his position as an athiest, but that he is there listening, questioning and participating in the discussions and that is a far cry from where he was just three months ago!

GOD IS AT WORK!!  We hope to share more and more stories like this with each visit!

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